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Joint exercises between Greece and Egypt in Mediterranean Sea.

| 2022

According to information published by Greek City Times on August 3, 2022, the Egyptian Gowind class corvette El Moez carried out a fleeting naval training with the Greek Jason-class tank landing ship Ikaria within the range of the Northern Fleet.
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Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001 Jason class tank landing ship and Egyptian Gowind class corvette El Moez (Picture source: Egypt today)

The Jason-class tank landing ship is a class of tank landing ships (LSTs) designed and built in Greece through a cooperation of the Elefsis Shipyards with the National Technical University of Athens and the Hellenic Navy, which ordered the ships in 1986.

They have a length of 116 m (380 ft 7 in), a beam of 15.3 m (50 ft 7 in), and a draught of 3.4 m (11 ft 2 in). They can reach a top speed of 16 knots (30 km/h; 18 mph).

The tank landing ships have a displacement of 4,470 tons full load and are powered by two Wärtsilä Nohab 16V25 diesels. They can carry a complement of 120 sailors.

Each ship of the class is armed with one Oto Melara 76 mm/62 Mod 9 compact naval gun, two Breda 40 mm/70 guns, and two smaller Rheinmetall 20 mm guns in twin mounts. A serious drawback of the ships is the lack of a modern CIWS system.

The main radar of the ships is the Thomson-CSF TRS-3030 Triton G which is a G-band, 2D Surface-to-Air & Surface-to-Surface Radar. The ships have installed the Thomson-CSF Vega II command and control system which includes the Pollux TRS3220 fast-scanning radar as a fire control radar system.

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