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Tender ready for the Netherlands' submarine replacement project.

| 2022

According to information published by the Dutch MoD on September 30, 2022, the Ministry has reached an important milestone in the submarine replacement project. The quotation request is ready. In mid-November 2022, this request will be sent to the 3 candidate yards. The yards are then expected to send their bids around summer 2023.
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Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001 Artist rendering of the Saab-Damen's offer for the replacement of the Walrus class submarines. (Picture source: Damen)

Defense needs several months to analyze these bids and then makes a decision on the award. This is what State Secretary Christophe van der Maat writes to the House of Representatives today.

As indicated in the Defense Memorandum 2022, Defense wants to invest in strengthening the armed forces' battle power. The replacement of submarines, a niche capability within NATO and the EU, is an important part of this.

The threat on the eastern flank of the NATO treaty area makes it all the more clear how important it is that NATO partners continue to invest in their capabilities.

For the Navy, Defense is also investing in the acquisition of long-range missiles that can be launched from frigates and submarines. The House of Representatives will be further informed of this need in 2023.

Budget increased

The budget for the project has been increased. This additional money is partly earmarked in the 2023 Defense Budget. Defense has also freed up money by identifying some projects from the long-term planning whose midlife update can be carried out later. Defense considers this acceptable for now because the effect on operational readiness would be limited. The cabinet considers the project worth this investment.

Dutch industry

Defense wants the shipyards to involve Dutch industry in the construction and maintenance of the boats. This will help Dutch industry, including in the international market, and create employment and retain knowledge.

Therefore, the winning shipyard will have to enter into an agreement with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate: a so-called industrial cooperation agreement.

In November 2014, the Dutch Minister of Defence announced plans to replace the Walrus-class submarines in 2025.

In April 2022 it was announced that two of the Walrus-class boats would be extended in service until the mid-2030s and that in order to do so safely a different maintenance approach would have to be adopted for the entire fleet with one of the four existing boats to be decommissioned in the short-term, followed by a second boat later.

The revised schedule for the construction of the new replacement boats would likely see the first two vessels entering service in the 2034 to 2037 timeframe.

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