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US starts maintenance of Virginia class nuclear submarine USS John Warner.

| 2023

According to information published by the US DoD on January 13, 2023, Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) personnel successfully docked the submarine USS John Warner (SSN 785) for the shipyard’s first Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Virginia-class Extended Dry-docking Selected Restricted Availability (EDSRA).
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Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001 Virginia class submarine USS John Warner. (Picture source: US DoD)

A CNO availability is more extensive than other maintenance availabilities and is scheduled with the approval of the CNO. During an EDSRA, the submarine is drydocked to enable hull, propulsion system, and modernization upgrades, allowing the submarine to remain fully operational for its planned service life.

Block III refers to submarines procured during the third, or Block III, Virginia Class acquisition contract. Block III submarines are redesigned, enabling a cost avoidance of approximately 20 percent in acquisition costs.

Commissioned Aug. 1, 2015, John Warner is the 12th Virginia-class attack submarine and the first ship to bear the name of Senator John Warner, former Senator from the Commonwealth of Virginia who passed away May 21, 2021.

Warner served as Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee from 1999 to 2001, and again from 2003 to 2007. The submarine, under the operational command of Commander, Submarine Force Atlantic, arrived at NNSY following a deployment where it directly supported the nation’s maritime strategy.

The Virginia class submarines are equipped with advanced stealth technology, sensors, and weapons systems, and are capable of launching Tomahawk cruise missiles, and conducting covert intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance operations.

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