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Babcock set to support Poland’s Orka submarine initiative with advanced naval solutions.

According to information published by Babcock on September 2024, the key player in naval defense, has announced its readiness to participate in Poland’s Orka submarine program as the initiative gains momentum.
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Artist rendering of the future submarine Orka. (Picture source: Babcock)

For over 50 years, Babcock has been at the forefront of designing, manufacturing, and integrating advanced submarine Weapons Handling and Launch Systems (WHLS) for several navies, including those of the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Spain, and South Korea.

The company's experience extends to providing comprehensive maintenance support for the Royal Navy’s nuclear submarine fleet since the inception of the UK’s nuclear submarine program more than six decades ago. This support includes not only ongoing maintenance but also life-extension, upgrades, and design changes that enhance the operational capabilities of these critical defense assets.

Babcock's involvement in Poland is not new. The company is currently partnering with the PGZ-Miecznik consortium to deliver the Miecznik frigates program, based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design. This existing collaboration has provided Babcock with valuable insights into Poland’s national defense needs and strategic priorities, positioning the company as a capable and trusted partner for the Orka program.

As a potential contributor to the Orka submarine program, Babcock brings a range of capabilities. The company is recognized for its expertise in WHLS, offering state-of-the-art Air Turbine Pump-driven positive launch systems that are compatible with a wide array of torpedoes, mines, and missiles. Babcock's role as a systems integrator and payload integrator allows it to operate across various platforms, offering flexibility and adaptability in submarine design and support.

With Babcock's extensive background in supporting both nuclear and diesel-electric submarines, the company is well-positioned to provide through-life support, encompassing the entire product lifecycle from design and manufacture to in-service maintenance and decommissioning.

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