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Dutch submarine Zr.Ms. Dolfijn completes NATO surveillance mission in Northern waters.

According to information published by the Dutch MoD on September 26, 2024, the Royal Netherlands Navy's submarine, Zr.Ms. Dolfijn, recently completed a nearly month-long surveillance mission in the northern waters, closely monitoring non-NATO submarines and military vessels. Operating in the Norwegian Sea and the northern part of the North Sea, this mission was part of NATO's ongoing efforts to prepare for the defense of the alliance's territory.
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Walrus-class submarine HNLMS Dolfijn. (Picture source: Dutch MoD)

The Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) is facing growing geopolitical threats that challenge its operational reach and strategic objectives, especially in the context of increased maritime competition and regional instability. In Europe, Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine has reshaped the security environment, forcing NATO countries like the Netherlands to reevaluate their naval posture. The war in Ukraine has heightened concerns about the vulnerability of European waters, especially in critical regions like the North Sea and the Baltic. These areas host vital infrastructure, including underwater pipelines and communication cables, making them prime targets for sabotage and espionage. The Netherlands has responded with increased investment in intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities to protect these assets.

Globally, the strategic pivot towards the Indo-Pacific has added another layer of complexity to the RNLN’s mission. The shifting balance of power in Asia, driven by China’s maritime expansion and rising tensions in the South China Sea, means that European navies must also look beyond their traditional areas of operation. The Dutch Navy, as part of its broader NATO obligations, is considering deeper engagement in these far-reaching regions, including potential missions in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Arabian Sea​. However, this expansion requires careful resource management, as the navy is already stretched thin across its European and global commitments​.

In the context of NATO’s broader defense posture, the Netherlands is expected to contribute to collective security in Northern and Eastern Europe, particularly in response to potential threats in the Baltic and Scandinavian regions. This includes bolstering amphibious capabilities and engaging in joint operations with NATO allies to deter potential aggression.

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