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Rheinmetall and MBDA Germany Strengthen Partnership To Develop Naval Laser Weapons.

Rheinmetall and MBDA Germany have solidified their ongoing collaboration in laser weapon technology by signing a new cooperation agreement to advance maritime defense systems. This strategic partnership focuses on developing a state-of-the-art military laser weapon system, which is expected to enter the market within five to six years. Both companies believe that their complementary expertise will enable them to create an advanced solution to combat emerging threats, particularly the increasing use of drones in naval operations.
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Rheinmetall and MBDA to jointly develop a new generation of naval laser weapons. (Picture source: Rheinmetall)

The partnership is built on previous success, notably integrating a laser weapon demonstrator aboard the German Navy's F124-class frigate *Sachsen*. This system underwent extensive testing from June 2022 to September 2023, showcasing its potential to neutralize airborne threats such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The trials offered significant insights into the capabilities of the laser weapon system, validating its effectiveness and providing valuable data for further development.

Naval forces face growing challenges as drones become more prevalent and sophisticated. Traditional defense systems often struggle to target and eliminate these agile, lightweight threats effectively. The laser weapon system being developed by Rheinmetall and MBDA is seen as a solution to this issue. It promises high precision, scalability, and a virtually unlimited supply of shots powered by electricity rather than ammunition. This new technology will also reduce collateral damage and integrate seamlessly with existing naval sensors and targeting systems.

The next development phase will focus on refining the system’s capabilities, with both companies aiming to deliver a product that meets modern naval operations' needs. The laser system will be tested and optimized to ensure its reliability in diverse operational conditions. Rheinmetall and MBDA are confident that their cooperation will result in a world-class laser weapon system that will set a new standard in maritime defense. This joint venture has the potential to revolutionize naval warfare, providing a highly effective defense against the growing drone threat and enhancing the overall capabilities of naval forces.

In recent years, the development of laser weapons for naval forces has accelerated, with several countries making significant advancements in directed energy systems. The United States Navy, for example, has been at the forefront, testing and deploying laser systems such as the Laser Weapon System (LaWS) and the newer HELIOS system (High Energy Laser with Integrated Optical-dazzler and Surveillance). These systems offer ships a scalable defense against unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), incoming missiles, and small boats. HELIOS, in particular, integrates surveillance and tracking capabilities with its powerful laser, allowing it to destroy or disable threats at the speed of light without the need for ammunition, making it a cost-effective solution for modern naval defense.

Other nations are also investing in laser technology for their naval forces. The UK has been testing its Dragonfire laser weapon system, which is intended to defend ships against drones, missiles, and other aerial threats. Meanwhile, China is believed to be developing its own laser-based systems, likely intended for use on both naval and ground platforms. As laser weapon technology matures, it is becoming a critical element in the future of naval warfare. It offers precision, efficiency, and the ability to neutralize multiple threats without the logistical challenges of traditional munitions. These advancements represent a major shift in defense strategies, with more nations seeking to integrate these high-energy weapons into their fleets.

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