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Russia gains Atlantic Port access through military deal with São Tomé and Príncipe.

According to information published by Russian sources on September 23, 2024, Russia has moved to expand its military cooperation with São Tomé and Príncipe, opening potential new access points for the Russian Navy in the Atlantic.
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Russian Navy's Slava-class cruiser Marshal Ustinov in South Africa. (Picture source: Tass)

The Russian government submitted an agreement for ratification by the State Duma that establishes military cooperation between Russia and the island nation. This agreement, which was signed in April 2024, has already been approved by the legal commission.

The cooperation framework includes intelligence sharing and collaboration in the military sphere, as well as granting Russian naval vessels access to São Tomé and Príncipe’s ports for resupply and rest. This development is seen as strategically valuable given the limited number of ports currently available to Russian vessels globally.


Russia’s defense relationships with African nations have expanded significantly in recent years, reflecting a mix of security cooperation, economic interests, and geopolitical strategy. These ties are often cemented through arms deals, military training, and the provision of security forces, notably through private military contractors (PMCs) like Wagner Group.

Russia has signed military cooperation agreements with 43 African countries, offering a broad range of services from personnel training to the supply of military equipment. This cooperation has increased notably in countries facing instability, coups, or Western disengagement, such as Mali, Central African Republic (CAR), and Sudan.

One key feature of Russia’s approach has been its avoidance of imposing political conditions, making it an appealing partner for African regimes that prioritize regime security over democratic reforms. This is in contrast to Western powers that often tie military support to governance and human rights conditions. For example, Russia has established a strong presence in CAR, where Wagner Group supports the government in exchange for access to lucrative natural resources, including gold and diamonds. Similarly, in Mali and Niger, recent coups have led to a shift away from France and the West, with these nations now leaning toward Russian military support.

Russia’s strategy in Africa also seeks to challenge Western influence by establishing strategic footholds, including potential naval bases and expanding its reach in critical maritime regions.

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