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Turkey's Oruc Reis seismic research vessel to begin exploration in Somalia.

According to information published by Wan Haber on September 11, 2024, Turkey's seismic research vessel, Oruç Reis, is set to depart for Somalia at the end of this month.
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The research vessel RV MTA Oruç Reis. (Picture source: Turkish government)

The Turkish seismic research vessel Oruç Reis has been at the center of significant tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean due to its exploratory missions for hydrocarbons in disputed waters. Operated by Turkey's General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, the vessel plays a key role in Turkey's ambitions to tap into offshore natural gas and oil reserves. These operations have heightened geopolitical disputes with neighboring Greece and Cyprus, as the regions where Oruç Reis conducts its surveys are also claimed by these nations under international maritime law.

The most contentious areas include waters near the Greek island of Kastellorizo, where both Greece and Turkey assert rights based on their respective interpretations of Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ). Turkey's ongoing activities, particularly when Oruç Reis has been accompanied by naval escorts, have led to multiple confrontations between the Turkish and Greek navies, with Greece viewing these missions as violations of its sovereignty. In response, Greece and Cyprus have sought backing from the European Union, which has threatened sanctions against Turkey if it continues its exploratory activities without diplomatic resolution.

Despite periodic withdrawals of the vessel as a gesture to facilitate negotiations, Oruç Reis has frequently resumed operations, especially following stalled talks between the parties. This back-and-forth pattern has continued, with both sides often conducting military drills during periods of heightened tension. The deployment of the vessel reflects Turkey's broader "Blue Homeland" policy, which aims to expand its maritime influence and secure energy independence​.

These disputes remain a focal point in regional diplomacy, as the potential hydrocarbon reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean are seen as highly lucrative, making the stakes in these territorial disagreements even higher.

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