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French Navy's Loire and Tunisian OPV Hannon conduct joint naval drills in Mediterranean.

According to information published by the French MoD on September 19, 2024, the French Navy's support vessel Loire and Tunisia's offshore patrol vessel (OPV) Hannon recently conducted joint naval drills in the Mediterranean.
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Tunisian Navy's Offshore patrol vessel Hannon. (Picture source: French MoD)

France and Tunisia maintain a complex defense relationship shaped by historical ties and evolving regional challenges. As Tunisia was a French protectorate from 1881 until its independence in 1956, this colonial past still influences contemporary relations, including defense cooperation.

One key platform for collaboration is the 5+5 Defense Initiative, a multilateral framework aimed at enhancing security in the Western Mediterranean. France and Tunisia, along with other regional members, work together on various initiatives like search and rescue operations, maritime security, and counterterrorism. The initiative encourages practical military cooperation and helps build trust between North African and European nations, addressing shared security challenges such as terrorism and border security.

French-Tunisian military cooperation also extends to training and equipment. Tunisia’s armed forces, which have historically relied on Western suppliers, including France, receive technical assistance and equipment as part of bilateral agreements. While much of Tunisia's military hardware is aging, efforts to modernize its defense capabilities have included French support, particularly in training and counterterrorism efforts. Tunisia's military has become more engaged in border security and combating terrorism, areas where French expertise and resources have been beneficial.

However, the relationship has seen tensions, particularly surrounding France's cautious response during Tunisia’s political upheavals, such as the 2011 revolution. France, with a large Tunisian expatriate community, found itself in a sensitive position, balancing its national interests, its historical ties, and the evolving political landscape in Tunisia. Nonetheless, despite occasional diplomatic strains, defense cooperation has remained a consistent feature of bilateral relations, driven by mutual concerns over security in the Mediterranean and the broader North African region.

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