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AUSA 2018: Large presence of Israeli Defense Industry.

| 2018

SIBAT – the International Defense Cooperation Directorate within Israel's Ministry of Defense (IMOD) and organizer of Israel’s National Pavilion – continues to strengthen cooperation between Israel’s defense industry and the United States through collaboration with small- and medium-sized defense companies (SMEs) that provide unique, flexible, rapidly developed and deployed solutions.

Large presence of Israeli Defense Industry at AUSA 2018 United States Army defense exhibition 925 001
International Defense Cooperation Directorate of the Israel Ministry of Defense (Picture source SIBAT)

Today, military and security forces around the world need solutions for the rapid deployment of forces in the field and their protection. The Israeli defense industries have developed unique solutions to address these needs. Among the innovations presented at the pavilion are Ortech’s Y-Fort Bunkers and Shielded Walls, designed to protect soldiers gathered in briefing areas, that can be assembled manually in a matter of a few hours by as few as three soldiers and a small tractor if needed – and a unique barrier developed by Mifram against ramming attacks by heavy vehicles that is easy-to-install without the need for special infrastructure. Joining them are solutions to enhance force protection and survivability, including MS-Tech’s portable explosives detection systems, Safe Shoot’s two-sided fire prevention system using RF communication technology, Reshet's Graf's IFF (Identify Friend or Foe ) solutions for personal and vehicles, made from a passive infrared reflective material, that can only be identified by night vision devices, and Magam’s self-sealing fuel tank protecting against the impact of bullets up to 20mm, increasing the survivability of vehicle and crew.

According to SIBAT’s Director, Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Mishel Ben Baruch, “Threats of terrorism around the world, and the changing nature of conflicts, require solutions that are portable, flexible and fast. Israel’s small and medium defense companies, belonging to the SME sector, are able to provide rapid and flexible development and production to meet these needs.

“SIBAT, the Defense Cooperation Directorate of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, continues to operate at the federal level as well as with the various states in order to create fruitful cooperation with Israel’s defense industry.

“The Israeli companies exhibiting at Israel’s National Pavilion bring with them advanced technologies that have already been proven operationally"

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