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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.

S-70 Okhotnik-B Hunter UCAV.

The S-70 Okhotnik-B, also known as "Hunter," is a Russian-made stealth unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) developed by Sukhoi under the Russian Ministry of Defense. Designed for reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and precision strikes, the Okhotnik-B is intended to operate both autonomously and in coordination with manned aircraft, such as the Su-57 fifth-generation fighter. Its development marks a significant advancement in Russia’s air combat capabilities, enhancing the operational flexibility of the Russian Air Force.

Country users: Russia


The S-70 Okhotnik-B project emerged in the early 2010s as part of Russia’s broader initiative to modernize its military aviation with advanced unmanned technologies. Sukhoi led the development, building on experience gained from the Su-57 program. The UCAV was officially unveiled in 2019, with its first flight occurring that same year. Designed to operate in highly contested environments, the Okhotnik-B incorporates stealth features that allow it to evade radar detection and execute a range of combat roles. The UCAV was intended to be a key element in Russia’s growing emphasis on manned-unmanned teaming, particularly with the Su-57, enhancing the reach and effectiveness of air operations.

After several rounds of flight testing, the S-70 entered service in 2024, marking the culmination of years of development and evaluation. While specific details of its combat use remain classified, it is expected to play a pivotal role in Russia’s future military operations, including missions that require stealthy, long-range capabilities. The Okhotnik-B is designed to perform a range of missions, including suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD), precision strikes on high-value targets, and real-time battlefield reconnaissance. It also functions in an electronic warfare capacity, capable of jamming enemy systems or conducting cyber-attacks in coordination with other platforms.

In terms of missions and roles, the S-70 Okhotnik-B is highly versatile. Its ability to perform SEAD operations allows it to neutralize enemy radar and missile systems, enabling Russian forces to enter hostile airspace more safely. As a deep-strike platform, it can deliver precision-guided munitions on strategic targets at long ranges. The UCAV’s reconnaissance capabilities also provide critical real-time intelligence, which can be shared across the battlefield. The Okhotnik-B’s integration with the Su-57 makes it a force multiplier, allowing manned-unmanned teams to engage in coordinated air superiority missions and electronic warfare.

S-70 Okhotnik-B variants:

No variants at this time. 

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Technical Data

  • Design

    The S-70 Okhotnik-B features a flying-wing, tailless design, which is optimized for stealth. Its airframe is constructed from radar-absorbent materials, significantly reducing its radar cross-section and making it difficult to detect by enemy radar systems. The flying-wing configuration provides aerodynamic efficiency and increased internal volume for payloads. The internal storage of weapons and sensors further enhances its low-observable characteristics. The UCAV is powered by an AL-31F turbofan engine, derived from the Su-27 fighter, although future upgrades may involve more advanced propulsion systems to improve performance and endurance.

  • Payload (Optics and Armament)

    The Okhotnik-B is equipped with an advanced sensor suite, which includes electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) sensors, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), and electronic intelligence (ELINT) systems. These sensors provide it with the capability to conduct detailed reconnaissance, track targets, and gather intelligence in various conditions.

    The UCAV’s armament consists of a variety of precision-guided munitions stored in internal bays to maintain its stealth characteristics. It can carry air-to-surface missiles, such as the Kh-38 and Kh-59, as well as precision-guided bombs (PGMs) like the KAB-series. This range of weaponry allows it to perform a variety of strike missions, from tactical close air support to strategic deep strikes. The internal storage ensures that the aircraft maintains a low radar profile even when fully armed.

  • Flight Capabilities

    The S-70 Okhotnik-B is capable of reaching speeds up to 1,000 km/h, or approximately 0.8 Mach, which allows it to engage in high-speed strike and reconnaissance missions. It has a combat radius of up to 4,000 km, providing significant operational reach, allowing it to operate deep behind enemy lines without requiring mid-air refueling. The UCAV is also capable of flying at altitudes of up to 12,000 meters, which positions it above the effective range of many ground-based air defense systems. Its endurance is designed for long missions, allowing it to loiter in contested airspace and gather intelligence or conduct strikes over extended periods.

  • Combat Use

    Although detailed combat operations involving the S-70 remain undisclosed, it is believed that the Okhotnik-B will be deployed in a wide range of missions that leverage its stealth and autonomous capabilities. Its ability to penetrate defended airspace makes it an ideal platform for SEAD operations, neutralizing enemy air defense networks ahead of manned aircraft incursions. In coordination with the Su-57, the Okhotnik-B is expected to participate in complex, high-risk missions where the combination of manned-unmanned teams offers tactical advantages, such as electronic warfare, precision strikes, and air superiority operations. With its high-endurance capabilities, it can also serve in long-duration reconnaissance roles, providing continuous intelligence gathering in hostile or contested zones.

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  • Type

    Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) with stealth capabilities

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  • Payload

    2,000–2,800 kg (estimated)
    Internal bays for ordnance to maintain stealth profile.

  • Armament

    - Precision-guided bombs
    - Air-to-ground missiles
    - Potential air-to-air missiles (specifics classified)

  • Speed

    Maximum Speed: ~1,000 km/h (620 mph)

  • Weight

    - Empty weight: 10,000 to 20,000 kg
    - Max takeoff weight: 25,000 kg 

  • Range

    6,000 kilometers

  • Guidance Systems

    - Autonomous flight control system
    - AI-enabled target acquisition
    - Electro-optical sensors for targeting
    - Likely integration of synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
    - Data-link system for cooperation with manned aircraft like Su-57

  • Dimensions

    Length: 14.0 m; Height: 3.0 to 4.0 m; Wingspan: ±  20.0 m

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