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Army-2018: New BMP-1AM tracked armored IFV fitted with BTR-82A 30mm turret.

| 2018

The Russian Defense Company Uralvagonzavod, a subdivision of ROSTEC State Corporation for Assistance to Development, Production and Export of Advanced Technology Industrial Product unveils a new upgraded version of the BMP-1 IFV tracked Infantry Fighting vehicle fitted with a BTR-82A turret under the name of BMP-1AM during the live firing demonstration at Army-2018, the International Military Technical Forum in Moscow Region, Russia.

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BMP-1AM at the live firing demonstration at Army-2018, International Military Technical Forum in the Patriotic Park Expo, Moscow Region, Russia. (Picture source Army Recognition)

The BMP-1AM is another upgrade of the original BMP-1 IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle which was unveiled for the first time to the public during a military parade in November 1967. The original BMP-1 is fitted with a one-man turret armed with a 73 mm Model 2A28 smoothbore, low-pressure, short-recoil gun which weighs 115 kg. A launcher for the Kolomna KBM 9K 11 Malyutka AT-3 `Sagger' wire-guided ATGW (Anti-Tank Guided Weapon) is also mounted over the main armament.

The BMP-1AM seems to use the same chassis as the BMP-1, only the original turret has been removed to be replaced by a BTR-82A 8x8 APC (Armored Personnel Carrier) turret armed with one 2A72 30mm dual-feed automatic cannon. It can fire armour piercing-tracer (AP-T) projectiles, high-explosive fragmentation-incendiary (HEF-I) and high-explosive-tracer (HE-T) ammunition.

The secondary armament of the BMP-1AM includes one 7.62mm PKTM coaxial machine gun mounted to the right of the main armament. The turret incorporates two-axis stabilization, new sighting channels, and three 81 smoke grenade dischargers are mounted on each side of the turret. The turret has a firing elevation ranges from -7° to +70°.

The hull of the BMP-1 IFV is made of all-welded steel which provides protection for the crew against firing of small arms and artillery shell splinters.

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