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ASELSAN awarded two new contracts for RCWS 40210152.

| 2015
Defence & Security News - (ASELSAN)
ASELSAN awarded two new contracts for RCWS
ASELSAN has been awarded two new contracts for remote-controlled stabilized weapon systems. The systems have been developed in-house and selected by 11 different countries until now. They can be fitted with a variety of weapons and installed in land or naval platforms.
ASELSAN awarded two new contracts for RCWS 1ASELSAN SMASH RCWS (Source: ASELSAN)

The company’s RCWS are named STAMP, STOP, SARP and SMASH. They have integrated electro optical sensors which include a day and a thermal camera, and a laser rangefinder. Operation of the stations is carried out by a control station. The user can locate, identify, track and fire against the target with high accuracy.

The first contract was signed with Kazakhstan on 13 September 2015. It involves the joint development and manufacture with KAE company, of the SARP station. This remote-controlled station can be equipped with a 7.62 or 12.7 machine gur or even with a 40mm grenade launcher. The system will be configured and integrated on land vehicles of the Kazakhstan Army

The second contract was signed on 15 September 2015. The system of interest was the SMASH RCWS with a dual-feed 30mm ATK Bushmaster II gun. The stabilized turret enables the gun to be aimed towards the target at all times. It will be integrated on the Malaysian Navy’s new patrol boats. Although it has not been confirmed yet which patrol boats these are, it is highly probable that the navy acquires the RCWS for the NGPC (Next-Generation Patrol Craft), without excluding the four Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency’s four Bay class patrol boats.

ASELSAN awarded two new contracts for RCWS 2




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