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Hyundai Rotem plans to demonstrate its new K2 Black Panther main battle tank at IDEX 2015 1601156.

| 2015

Official Online Daily News
IDEX 2015
International Defence Exhibition & Conference

22 - 26 February 2015
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Hyundai Rotem K2 MBT at IDEX 2015
Hyundai Rotem plans to demonstrate its new K2 Black Panther main battle tank at IDEX 2015.
According Defense Update website, the South Korean automotive industrial giant Hyundai Rotem Co. is planning to demonstrate its new K2 Black Panther main battle tank at the upcoming IDEX 2015 exhibition which will be held from the 22 to 26 February 2015 in Dubai (UAE), as it considers countries in the Middle East and Africa to be potential export customers for the new tank.
According Defense Update website, the South Korean automotive industrial giant Hyundai Rotem Co. is planning to demonstrate its new K2 Black Panther main battle tank at the upcoming IDEX 2015 exhibition which will be held from the 22 to 26 February 2015 in Dubai (UAE), as it considers countries in the Middle East and Africa to be potential export customers for the new tank.
The new South Korean K2 Black Panther main battle tank

In December 2014, The Korean automotive industrial giant Hyundai Rotem Co. has signed a contract worth US$820.29 million (901.5 billion won) with the Korean Defense Acquisition and Procurement Agency (DAPA) to deliver K2 Main Battle Tanks (MBT) to the South Korean Army. The initial order is believed to be for 100 tanks, with follow-on requirement for additional 400.

The K2 Main Battle Tank will be an “ideal concept” main battle tank for the future maximizing combat effectiveness and optimizing man-machine interface. It is characterized by its advanced gun with lethal firepower, a high-powered compact disel power pack for out-standing maneuverability, advance armor and active protection systems for improved survivability, battle field information system, vetronics and superior firing capability, etc.

The K2 Black Panther MBT has a crew of three members including commander, gunner and driver. The main armament consists of a a 120mm L/55 smoothbore gun with automatic loader. The autoloader ensures the loading of projectiles on the move even when the vehicle moves on uneven surfaces. The 120mm gun can fire about 10 rounds per minute. Second armament includes a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun and one 12.7mm heavy machine gun mounted on the top of te turret.

The K2 MBT is fitted with Composite Armour and Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA). An active protection system is installed on the MBT to provide protection against anti-tank rockets and missiles.

The K2 Black Panther is also selected by the Turkish Ministry of Defense as the basis for the indigenous Turkish MBT Altay.
New Turkish-made main battle tank Altay
The K2 Black Panther is also selected by the Turkish Ministry of Defense as the basis for the indigenous Turkish MBT Altay.

The Altay is an advanced third generation main battle tank, designed and developed by Otokar of Turkey for the Turkish Army and export markets

The first Altay prototype had already covered more than 2.000 kilometers during tests up to now. Two prototypes exhibited a special show to the guests of the ceremony at the tank test track of OTOKAR. Including mobility performance like acceleration, maximum speed, side slope, suspension, stabilization track and off-road drive, this show made the impression that, when finished, ALTAY would be the most modern tank in the world.

The main armament of Altay is a 120 mm 55 caliber smoothbore gun suitable for various kinds of rounds. The Turkish Company MKE was assigned to manufacture the 120 mm 55 caliber Main Armament by technology transfer from Hyundai Rotem of South Korea.


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