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BCB Int. to provide rations and cooking fuel to the UK MoD 42511154.

| 2015
Defence & Security News - (UK)
BCB Int. to provide rations and cooking fuel to the UK MoD
The UK MoD will acquire new rations and cooking fuel from BCB International under a four-year contract. The new items will reduce the weight carried by soldiers and the footprint from the use in the field, while it would be easier to light and extinguish the fire source.
BCB Int to provide rations and cooking fuel to the UK MoD
FireDragon ethanol tablet burning in the folding cooker. (Photo: BCB International)

“FireDragon” is the ethanol, solid fuel that will be provided to the British troops, instead of the Hexamine fuel that was offered for the last 40 years. The ethanol can bring to a boil 500 ml of water in almost eight minutes. Reduced weight is guaranteed, as the fuel packs with the folding cooker have a weight of less than 300 gr.

The FireDragon is non-toxic, being made exclusively of natural ingredients, and non-drip. It burns cleanly and it is easy to light and extinguish, leaving very little residue. BCB International stressed the fact that these products save the soldiers’ time from spending time in cooking and cleaning their cooking items, so as to focus on their combat related role.

BCB’s Managing Director Andrew Howell stated upon the award of the contract: “wherever they (the soldiers) operate, whether in driving rain, the freezing arctic or searing heat, the fuel will enable soldiers to heat their rations whenever required.


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