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China and India have expressed interest to purchase T-14 Armata new Russian-made MBT 10406151.

| 2015
Defence & Security News - India / China
China and India have expressed interest to purchase T-14 Armata new Russian-made MBT.
Russia says that Russia’s foreign partners, including China and India, have expressed interest in purchasing new military equipment presented at the May 9 Victory Day parade in Moscow. The Russian Defense Ministry unveiled its new T-14 Armata main battle tank at the Victory Day military parade held in Moscow on May 9 in celebration of WWII victory over Nazi Germany.
Russia says that Russia’s foreign partners, including China and India, have expressed interest in purchasing new military equipment presented at the May 9 Victory Day parade in Moscow. The Russian Defense Ministry unveiled its new Armata battle tank at the Victory Day military parade held in Moscow on May 9 in celebration of WWII victory over Nazi Germany.The new Russian-made main battle tank T-14 Armata at military parade for Victory Day in Moscow, May 9, 2015.
"To a larger extent it is our traditional partners: India, China and South-East Asia," Kozhin said, adding, however, that although "interest [in the new technology] has been expressed," foreign buyers are "satisfied" with the current contracts on the delivery of Russian equipment.
The Armata is the latest generation of Russian-made main battle tank (MBT), also known as the T-14 which is manufactured by the Russian Defense Company Uralvagonzavod.

The main feature of the T-14 Armata is its unmanned turret, with all three crew members including commander, gunner, driver seated in a crew capsule at the front of the vehicle's hull.

The main armament of the T-14 Armata consists of one 125 mm gun with 32 rounds of ammunition; in addition to tank rounds, a new laser-guided missile able to be fired from the main gun with a tandem Kornet-D anti-tank or anti low flying helicopters warhead with a range of 7,000–12,000 m.

Second armament of the T-14 Armata includes one remote weapon station mounted on the top rear of the turret armed with one 7.62mm mm machine gun.

The T-14 Armata is equipped with the Active Protection System (APS) Afghanit which seems similar to the Israeli Trophy able to intercept and destroy incoming missiles and rockets.The system is designed to work against all types of anti-tank missiles and rockets, including handheld weapons such as rocket propelled grenades.

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