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Croatian Armed Forces will participate in European Union Battle Group (EUBG) 2016.

| 2015
Defence & Security News - Croatia
Croatian Armed Forces will participate in European Union Battle Group (EUBG) 2016
The Croatian Military Representative to NATO and the EU, Major General Mate Paden on 16 April 2015 signed the Memorandum of Understanding on participation of the Croatian Armed Forces in the EU Battlegroup.
Croatian Armed Forces will participate in European Union Battle Group (EUBG) 2016 Croatian soldiers during EUFOR Tchad/RCA in 2009

With the Federal Republic of Germany as Framework Nation, along with the representatives of other contributing countries (the Netherlands, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Czech Republic).
The EUBG will be in stand-by in the latter part of 2016.

The Republic of Croatia previously served in the EU Battlegroup 2012, led by Germany too, with Austria, Czech Republic, Ireland and Macedonia.

An EU Battlegroup (EUBG) is a military unit adhering to the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) of the European Union (EU). Often based on contributions from a coalition of member states, each of the eighteen Battlegroups consists of a battalion-sized force (1,500 troops) reinforced with combat support elements.
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