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Israel Military Industries IMI presents its full range of artillery rockets and missiles at MSPO 2015 10209151.

| 2015
MSPO 2015 Official online Show Daily
MSPO 2015
Official Foreign Online Show Daily News and Official Web TV
International Defense Industry Exhibition & conference
1 - 4 September 2015
Kielce , Poland
at MSPO 2015
Israel Military Industries IMI presents its full range of artillery rockets and missiles at MSPO 2015.
IMI participates at the 23rd edition of MSPO International Defense Industry Exhibition, held in Kielce, Poland, September 1-4, 2015. IMI display is located at Hall E, Stand E-17 and will be highlighting the company’s family of Accurate Artillery Rockets, Advanced Tank Ammunition, Air-to-Surface Weapon Systems, Aerial Survivability Solutions and More.
IMI participates at the 23rd edition of MSPO International Defense Industry Exhibition, held in Kielce, Poland, September 1-4, 2015. IMI display is located at Hall E, Stand E-17 and will be highlighting the company’s family of Accurate Artillery Rockets, Advanced Tank Ammunition, Air-to-Surface Weapon Systems, Aerial Survivability Solutions and More. Israel Military Industries (IMI) Predator Hawk (R) long-range tactical missile at MSPO 2015 International Defense Industry Exhibition in Kielce, Poland.
The range of artillery rockets and missile of IMI showed at MSPO 2015 includes the PREDATOR HAWK which is IMI’s state-of-the-art 250 km long-range tactical missile, with high precision and maneuverability. It is based on the aerodynamic principles of the EXTRA missile, includes a cost-effective steering system, and achieves an accuracy of 10m CEP independent of range.

The missile is sealed in a Launch Pod Container (LPC), each LPC contains 2 missiles. The PREDATOR HAWK missiles can be launched by IMI’s LYNX launcher, as well as from a variety of other available launchers.

The EXTRA Extended Range Artillery Rocket is a missile which are insensitive to weather conditions, clouds, wind, smoke or meteorology effects. The operational range of the rocket is 30km to 150km, and precision is 10m CEP.

Increased launcher and crew survivability is achieved thanks to the long range of the rocket, which keeps the launcher out of range for most means of land fire power.

The EXTRA missile contains a solid propellant motor, stabilizing block, warhead, and guidance and steering section.

The missile is sealed in a Launch Pod Container (LPC), each LPC contains 4 missiles. The EXTRA missiles can be launched by IMI’s LYNX launcher, as well as from a variety of other available launchers.
IMI participates at the 23rd edition of MSPO International Defense Industry Exhibition, held in Kielce, Poland, September 1-4, 2015. IMI display is located at Hall E, Stand E-17 and will be highlighting the company’s family of Accurate Artillery Rockets, Advanced Tank Ammunition, Air-to-Surface Weapon Systems, Aerial Survivability Solutions and More. Israel Military Industries (IMI) EXTRA Extended Range Artillery Rocket during firing test.


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