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Kosovo hacker arrested after stealing US files and handing them over to IS.

| 2015
Defence & Security News - (USA)
Kosovo hacker arrested after stealing US files and handing them over to IS
A Kosovar hacker war arrested in Malaysia for allegedly hacking a US company’s database that contained personal files of US military personnel, which later handed over to the Islamic State. The Malaysian Police arrested him on 15 September and will be extradited him to the US where he will face charges and a possible sentence of 35 years in jail. FBI is involved in the investigation, in order to present further details at the trial.
Kosovo hacker arrested after stealing US files and handing them to IS
US Department of Justice seal (Source: US Department of Justice)

The hacked files contained personal details, such as the names, addresses and telephone numbers among many other information, of 1,351 US military and government personnel. The Islamic State’s Junaid Hussain, who’s also known with the name Abu Hussain Al Britani, acquired those files and published them online so that jihadists in the US would target these people.

According to a statement provided by the US Department of Justice, the IS webpage contained the following message: “We are in your emails and computer systems, watching and recording your every move, we have your names and addresses, we are in your emails and social media accounts, we are extracting confidential data and passing on your personal information to the soldiers of the khilafah, who soon with the permission of Allah will strike at your necks in your own lands”.

The hacker is called Ardit Ferizi. According to the US officials, he is considered to be the head of the Kosova Hacker Security hacking group. In the virtual world he is known as «Th3Dir3ctory». He arrived in Malaysia last August, to study computer science in Kuala Lumpur.

According to the Malaysian Police investigation, Ardit Ferizi, had contacted high-ranking members of the Islamic State in Syria and  agreed to attack various servers in order to steal more files with names of US government and military staff.



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