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Photonis INTENS Image Intensifier Tubes fully compliant to 4G Night Vision standard SOFINS 2015.

| 2015
SOFINS 2015 Show Daily News
Special Forces Innovation Network Seminar

14 - 16 April 2015
Camp de Souge military base, France
Photonis at SOFINS 2015
Photonis INTENS Image Intensifier Tubes fully compliant to 4G Night Vision standard SOFINS 2015
At the International Special Operations Forces Innovation Network Seminar and Exhibition SOFINS 2015, the French Company Photonis has presented "INTENS", the latest innovation of night vision technology . INTENS™ Night Vision Revolution is bringing 40% extra range of DRI (Detection/ Recognition/ Identification) than existing tubes available on the market . The INTENS technology is fully compliant to 4G, the new night vision standard.
At the International Special Operations Forces Innovation Network Seminar and Exhibition SOFINS 2015, the French Company Photonis has presented "INTENS, the latest innovation of night vision technology . INTENS™ Night Vision Revolution is bringing 40% extra range of DRI (Detection/ Recognition/ Identification) than existing tubes available on the market . The INTENS technology is fully compliant to 4G, the new night vision standard.Photonis INTENS Image Intensifier Tubes is fully compliant to 4G, the new night vision standard
At SOFINS 2015, Army Recognition with its Defense Web TV has the chance to make a video interview of Mister Emmanuel Nabet, Chief Marketing Officer at Photonis who explained the new technology of Photonis INTENS Image Intensifier Tubes developed by the Company Photonis.

PHOTONIS Night Vision is one of the world leaders in the design and manufacturing of state-of-the-art Image Intensifier Tube for military, space and commercial applications. Night Vision has become a key opto-electronic technology in modern warfare as more and more combats take place by night. PHOTONIS Night Vision products are in use in all NATO countries and are largely deployed worldwide.

Covering the spectrum well into the UV (below 400 nm) and into the "Red Spectrum" (up and above 1000 nm), INTENS™ offers the highest versatility of use in all types of terrain (sea shores, desertic areas, mountain scenes, etc which are richer in Blue spectrum as well as forest, jungle and moonless nights which are "carrying" more Red Spectrum). These features of extended bandwidth are unique to the INTENS™ Revolution.

Besides the broad spectrum (below 400 nm and above 1000 nm) INTENS™ is compliant to the 4G Night Vision standard because it also meets the 4G requirements of a FOM (SNR*lp/mm) higher than 1,800, and always has a resolution superior to 57 lp/mm even in the most polluted light environments and shows a HALO never larger than 0.7 mm around the brightest objects seen in the image. 4G Night Vision standard is a package of the 4 specifications committing the highest performance and capabilities to Night Vision users.
With INTENS, PHOTONIS has transformed market demands into a brand new technology to provide end-users with the best performance image intensifier tube available today: "4G Night Vision".

Focused on performance, 4G Night Vision standard defines the performance specifications, giving end-users the highest performance in all field conditions.

At SOFINS 2015 visitors had the opportunity to see the full range of Night Vision Technology solutions and were able to test the outperforming technology INTENS in the embedded dark facility at the PHOTONIS booth.

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