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Thai Defence Technology Institute has tested two new types of 122mm rocket launcher DTI-1 DTI-2 10311153.

| 2015
Defense & Security 2015
Official Online Show Daily News and Web TV
Tri-Service Asian Defense & Security Exhibition
2 - 5 November 2015
Bangkok, Thailand
DTI-1 and DTI-2 122mm MLRS at Defense & Security 2015 Thailand
Thai Defence Technology Institute has tested two new types of 122mm rocket launcher DTI-1 & DTI-2
The Thai Defence Technology Institute has developed two new types of mobile rocket launcher vehicle mounted on wheeled truck chassis using local-made 122mm rockets under the name of- DTI-1 and DTI-2 MLRS.

Thai Defence Technology Institute DTI-1 122 mm MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System.

In September 2015, Thai Defence Technology Institute (Public Organization) or DTI of the Thailand's Ministry of Defense successfully test fired its 122 mm rocket. Test was conducted at the Royal Thai Navy's Phangnga Naval Base in Adaman sea and six rockets were fired from two test plateform, the DTI-1 and DTI-2 launcher.

This test is the result from the cooperation between DTI and various units of RTA (Royal Thai army) and RTN (Royal Thai Navy). Test plan was jointly drew up and the two service branch provide range and support equipment. AeroThai Co., Ltd. also provided assistant by published the NOTAM to notice every aircrafts to avoid the test area in the given time slot.

RTN use this test range for artillery exercise regularly and to ensure the minimal impact on the local wildlife, environment, and resource as well as local people, Environment and Health Impact Assessment (EHIA) was conducted and necessary measures were implement to ensure the safety of all parties concerned.

This is the first time DTI conducted rocket firing at this maximum range of 40 km. Plan also drawing up for the test firing of DTI-1G. DTI will delivered the 122 mm with the range of 10 km and 40 km to RTA in the next fiscal year.

Thai Defence Technology Institute DTI-2 122 mm MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System.


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