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IDEF 2017: FNSS is ready to modernize its ACV and IAPC 70905171.

| 2017
IDEF 2017 News Show Daily report coverage show daily defence industry fair exhibition Istanbul Turkey May 2017 Turkish International defence security industry army military
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IDEF 2017
International Defence Industry Fair

9 - 12 May 2017
Istanbul, Turkey
FNSS at IDEF 2017
IDEF 2017: FNSS is ready to modernize its ACV and IAPC
Standing behind its products that are in inventories throughout their life cycle, FNSS is also ready to carry its first products, the Armoured Combat Vehicle (ACV) and Improved Armoured Personnel Carrier (IAPC), to the future. Taking into account the evolving needs and newly emerging threats, FNSS is demonstrating a prototype vehicle at IDEF 2017 on which it applied the comprehensive modernisation package it prepared for the ACV and IAPC vehicles.
fnss acv idef 001
FNSS unveils its new modernized ACV 15 at IDEF 2017
(Credit: Army Recognition)

With this modernisation package it financed entirely with its own resources, without there being an official project associated with this endeavour, FNSS clearly sends the message that it always stands by its products.

There are nearly 2,650 FNSS-made ACVs and IAPCs currently serving in the Turkish Armed Forces and the Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the Philippines. Deliveries began in 1991, with the last of these vehicles being delivered to the Turkish Armed Forces in 2004. The ACV and IAPC, which can operate independently or together with tanks, still constitute the backbone of Turkish infantry forces.

These vehicles have recently been used in various operations, and FNSS has been working for some time of modernisation packages to improve their survivability, situational awareness, firepower and mobility of these. With this modernisation package, prepared by taking user feedback into account, the aim is to update the vehicles according to the changing threat landscape, to increase their performance, and to lengthen their lifespan, such that they may serve better during their time in the inventory.

The main features of the modernisation solution prepared by FNSS are listed as follows:

• Survivability: Priority given to the enhancement of mine and ballistic protection levels, mine resistant seats, protection lining (spall liner) applications, dual-stage automatic fire extinguishing and suppression systems, an NBC System with new indigenously produced filters, air conditioning for the crew, and the RPG protection net.

• Situational Awareness: Close range situational awareness system, acoustic gunshot detection system and laser warning system.

• Firepower: Remote Controlled Weapon System (RCWS) with integrated acoustic gunshot detection system, and improvements on existing firing systems.

• Mobility: Improvement of drive systems and power pack.

While putting together its modernisation package, FNSS focused on criteria such as ensuring savings by keeping costs low and making use of joint logistics support.

K. Nail Kurt, General Manager and CEO of FNSS, highlights FNSS' modernisation capabilities as follows: “FNSS is one the world's most experienced companies in the modernisation of ACV and IAPC class vehicles. For a long time, we have been operating a state-owned facility in Saudi Arabia together with our local partner, where we modernise the M113 vehicles in Saudi Arabia’s inventory. Among M113s around the world, these vehicles stand out as the most modern and highest performing ones. The user is also very satisfied with the modernisation we call the M113A4. We are now adapting this experience, as well as the know-how and technology we acquired while developing new vehicles, to the ACV and IAPC. We offer the best solution from technical, cost and schedule standpoints. The vehicle we showcase at IDEF 2017 also bears an important message: Even after 27 years, FNSS continues to stand behind its products."


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