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IDF training uses Bagira JOBSS training system 80905172.
Defense & Security News - Israel
IDF Land forces training centre uses Bagira's JOBSS training systems
Bagira’s JOBSS system was successfully implemented in the Artillery Corps at the IDF Land Forces Training Centre during February 2017. JOBSS was launched in a full-scale training exercise for all direct and indirect fire support elements participating in the Joint Fires process according to the new CONOPS.
(source: Bagira)
Using the most modern technology, JOBSS supports forces training through all stages of the Joint Fires mission at all levels, from individuals up to the brigade and task force fire support centres. Special attention is given to the detailed and advanced AAR (After Action Review) abilities.
JOBSS includes representation of the full Battlespace; enemy and own forces, civilian population, UAVs, combat helicopters, air to ground, navy and artillery and it employs SMEs and VMEs (Simulated & Virtual Military Equipment). This accurate replica of collection and observation devices ensures realistic training. JOBSS training configurations include: |