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700$ billion largest defense budget in the history of United States.

| 2018

The U.S. President President Donald J. Trump has signed Friday, March 23, 2018, a $1.3 trillion spending bill, including $700 billion for the largest military budget in history of United States. The spending bill also includes, the fight against the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

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President Donald J. Trump speaks to troops during a visit to Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Calif., March 13, 2018 Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Jake M.T. McClung (Picture source US. MoD)

“Together, we are going to make our military stronger than ever,” Mattis said in a news conference today, flanked by Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Commerce Secretary Wilbur L. Ross, and Department of Homeland Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

“We in the military are humbled and grateful to the American people for their sacrifices on behalf of this funding,” Mattis said. “Now it's our responsibility in the military to spend every dollar wisely in order to keep the trust and the confidence of the American people and the Congress.”

Trump hailed the spending measure, saying it funds the strongest military in the world, as well as troop increases and the largest pay raise in more than a decade for service members.

Trump said that defense funding contained in the bill is an increase of more than $60 billion from last year. It funds the addition of critically needed ships, planes, helicopters, tanks and submarines, he pointed out.


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