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DSA 2018: First edition of NATSEC Asia focusing on Cyber Threats.

| 2018

It is not alarming that cyber-attacks are creating unprecedented damage and unparalleled breach not only to the national security but to the businesses, organisations and safety as a whole, DSA organizers said to introduce the first edition of NATSEC Asia, dedicated to cyber threats.

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Granted that these attacks are not receding but in fact are growing more sophisticated presents a real challenge for a nation to manage such affliction effectively. According to Microsoft, the median number of days that the attackers stay dormant within a network before detection is over 200. The impact of cyber threats has sparked a global movement where more nations today are beginning to establish dedicated national agencies to lead efforts in reducing the risk in cyber space effectively.

Cyber Security is then the core focus during this first edition of NATSEC Asia 2018, the international exhibition for National Security in Asia, which makes its highly-anticipated debut from 16-19 April at MITEC, Kuala Lumpur. Riding on the well-established Defence Services Asia Exhibition and Conference (DSA) fame, this new platform is presenting the “Cyber Defence & Security Zone”. It is featuring the Cyber Defence & Security Conference, focussing on the challenges of managing military and cyber-threats in an increasingly dynamic environment.

“The National Security Council, through its newly established agency, the National Cyber Security Agency or NACSA, seeks to formulate, coordinate and monitor all types of cyber security threats. Because of the evolving nature of terror threats and attacks, we have to take a harder stance on any possible hints of suspicious activity. The Cyber Defence & Security Conference is timely as it is focusing on the rapidly-changing world of cybercrime and the challenges of managing cyber security, a crucial element in combating terrorism,” remarked the Director General of National Security, General Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hj Zulkifeli bin Mohd Zin.

The highlight of discussion in the conference focuses on the exploitation of the cyber space by terrorists, acquisition of threat intelligence, protection of critical infrastructure, incident response and emerging cyber threats.

“More cooperation between regional defence and security partners is needed in order to contain the rising occurrence of cyber threats and remain ahead of the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. Through the Defence & Security Conference, we intend to work towards developing more robust cyber security approaches in the detection, deterrence and response of cyber threats and attacks in this region,” added General Tan Sri Zulkifeli.


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