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IAV 2018 : Microflown AVISA presents its Vehicle Based Gunshot Localisation system.

| 2018

Microflown AVISA, a Dutch company specialized in 3D acoustic situational awareness showcases its Vehicle Based Gunshot Localisation system at IAV 2018. This system named Vehicle based Acoustic Multi-Mission Sensor (V-AMMS) can be adapted on several platforms such as: wheeled open vehicles (special operations vehicles), wheeled and tracked armoured vehicles.

IAV 2018 Microflown AVISA presents its Vehicle Based Gunshot Localisation system 925 001
The Vehicle based Acoustic Multi-Mission Sensor (V-AMMS) is combat proven and is in use on vehicles of the Dutch Army (Credit Army Recognition)

The combat proven Vehicle based Acoustic Multi-Mission Sensor (V-AMMS) is a gunshot localisation system that is developed to be installed on vehicles and to provide the crew with a true 360° situational awareness by locating fire positions in a simple graphical user interface (GUI) by displaying the direction and distance to the hostile shooters.

The V-AMMS is based on the worldwide unique and extremely small Acoustic Vector Sensor (AVS) technology, developed by Microflown AVISA, unlike other acoustic systems in the marketplace using microphone arrays.

In comparison to these traditional microphone based arrays, the V-AMMS does not calculate and predict the direction of the hostile shooter position but instead measures the direction due to uniqueness of the AVS, giving a reliable directional accuracy for locating single shots, bursts from multiple shooters.

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