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KADDB unveils the RUM II 155mm 6x6 self-propelled howitzer at SOFEX 2018.

| 2018

The Jordanian Company KADDB (King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau) unveils its latest development of 155mm wheeled self-propelled howitzer dubbed RUM II at SOFEX 2018, the International Special Operations Forces Exhibition & Conference, SOFEX in Amman, Jordan.

KADDB unveils the RUM II 155mm 6x6 self propelled howitzer at SOFEX 2018 925 001
The RUM II 155mm wheeled self-propelled howitzer at SOFEX 2018, the International Special Operations Forces Exhibition & Conference, SOFEX in Amman, Jordan.(Picture source Army Recognition)

The RUM II is based on a 6x6 DAF truck chassis with a M126 155 mm/L23 howitzer mounted at the rear of the chassis. It uses the same gun mounted on the M109 tracked self-propelled howitzer fitted with a new recoil system.

The 155mm howitzer integrated on the DAF 6x6 truck chassis is design to offer a new artillery system offering high mobility and fire power. The DAF chassis is equipped with a reliable electro-hydraulic control system. On each side of the truck chassis there is two racks to store 11 projectiles and charges. The vehicle carries a total of 22 rounds of 155mm caliber.

The RUM II can fire at a maximum distance of 27,7 km. In firing position, one hydraulic jack is lowered on the ground on each side of the vehicle and a large spade is lowered at the rear of the truck chassis to provide a more stable firing platform.

The RUM II is motorized with a DHS engine developing 250 hp. coupled to a 5 speed manual transmission. The truck can run at a maximum speed 80 km/h with a maximum cruising range of 600 km. It has a crew of six.

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