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Mahindra Telephonics unveils Mobile Surveillance and Protection System.
On Wednesday 11 April, Mahindra Telephonics unveiled its new Mobile Surveillance and Protection System (M-SPS), an indigenous mobile, all-weather, 4x4 platform integrated with its own Command and Control Suite.
Mahindra Telephonics's new Mobile Surveillance and Protection System (M-SPS) (Picture source: Army Recognition )
The system is proposed for various purposes like border protection and surveillance by military forces. It can also be used for critical infrastructure security and covert support for maneuvering forces. Upon request, the system can aso be configured to support lanuch and control of drone equipped with smart optical payloads for coverint obscure areas.
The M-SPS is a synergy of multi-sensors i.e. radar, wide-angle panoramic camera with optical and thermal point-tilt-zoom camera for detection, tracking and identifaction of potential threats. The systems uses a laser ranger finder, the radar and the cameras for accurate measurement of target range and position. On detection, slected targets are automaticaly tracked. The awareness of the operator is maintained with the help of a panoramic camera.
The heart of the system is a new command and control application and sensor data processing software which are hardware agnostic. The system can easily be configured and integrated with the sensors available on the market. The C2 architecture facilitates plug-and-play wherein one can choose to retain the existing sensors or use the advanced version of the system with all its new features and capabilities to meet users’ requirements.