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Major step for British MoD to supply Boxer 8x8 armored vehicle to British army.

| 2018

At DVD 2018, military vehicles exhibition in Millbrook, United Kingdom, British Defence Minister Stuart Andrew has announced a major step to supply new fleet of 8x8 armored vehicles Boxer to the British army. The Boxer is a German-Dutch multirole armored fighting vehicle produced by the ARTEC GmbH (ARmoured vehicle TEChnology) industrial group, and the program is being managed by OCCAR (Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation).

Major step for British MoD to supply Boxer 8x8 armored vehicle to British army 925 001
Boxer 8x8 armoured vehicle (Picture source Army Recognition)

The British Army intends to make an initial purchase of over 500 Boxer vehicles, and the Defense Minister has today announced that British suppliers have been given the green light to bring forward concrete plans for the project, which is set to support at least 1,000 UK jobs.

Artec, the consortium who lead on the production of the troop carriers, have been given the go-ahead to invite industry to bring forward actual contractible proposals for work on the vehicles. A big step towards making a purchase, the news means that Artec will now ramp up work to complete their supplier selection process before returning to the MOD with a formal proposal next year.

Artec will now complete supplier selection and confirm their proposal to manufacture and support Boxer in the UK, offering new opportunities to British suppliers for what is set to be their largest single order.

The British MOD conducted a comprehensive market analysis of Mechanized Infantry Vehicles in service, entering service and in development. The analysis was guided by the British Army’s requirements and how best to deliver them. The Boxer delivered on protected mobility, capacity, flexibility, utility and agility. The first vehicles are set to be in-service by 2023.

The design of the Boxer is divided in two major parts, a driving compartment which accommodates the driver and the automotive component and a separate mission modular module at the rear. The modular module at the rear of the vehicle can be quickly detached to allow a different module to be fitted. In the APC variant, four troops will be seated either side on individual seats and integral seat belts. They enter and leave via a power operated ramp in the rear which is also provided with an emergency door.

The hull of the Boxer is of thin wall bending technology steel armor construction with an applique layer of passive armor to provide high level of protection against ballistic threats. It is also protected against mines, artillery fragments and projectiles.

The Boxer power pack consists of a MTU model 8V199 TE20 diesel engine developing 530 kW coupled to an Allison model HD4070 fully automatic transmission with seven forward and three reverse gears. The Boxer can run at a maximum speed of 105 km/h with a maximum range of 1,000 km/h.

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