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Russia test-fires modernized anti-ballistic missile.

| 2018

The Russian Aerospace Forces has successfully launched an upgraded anti-ballistic missile at the Sary-Shagan test site in Kazakhstan, the Russian Defense Ministry said Saturday.

Russia test fires modernized anti ballistic missile
After a series of tests, the new anti-ballistic missile system successfully hit a conventional target with precision (Picture source: Russian MoD)

After a series of tests, the new anti-ballistic missile system successfully hit a conventional target with precision, Missile Defense Task Force Commander Sergei Grabchuk said in a ministry press release. The missile defense system is designed to protect Moscow from aerospace attacks, and perform early warning and space monitoring tasks, according to the ministry. "A combat unit of the Air Defense and Missile Defense Forces of the Aerospace Force successfully carried out another test launch of the advanced missile of the Russian ballistic missile defense system," the report says. Missile Defense Task Force Commander Sergei Grabchuk said, as quoted by the press service, that "the new antimissile missile proved out its specifications after a series of testing and successfully implemented the task by hitting the ‘target’ with the given accuracy."

In late August the successful test launch of a new missile of the Russian missile defense was reported. The test launches of the new missile were also carried out in February, April and July 2018.


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