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UkrOboronProm conducts tests of modernized anti-aircraft missile C-125M Pechora.

| 2018

UKROBORONPROM State Kyiv Design Bureau “Luch” – together with Ukrainian company "Radionics" – conducted successful tests of the modernized anti-aircraft missile complex C-125M "Pechora".

UkrOboronProm conducts tests of modernized anti aircraft missile C 125M Pechora 925 001
 The modernized anti-aircraft missile complex C-125M "Pechora" will contribute to reliable protection of ground objects and infrastructure from air attack. (Credit UkrOboronProm)

AA missile system C-125 underwent an integrated modification of all elements, including modernization of missiles, as well as the use of a new radar station built on solid-state elements.

During the tests, firing at air targets was conducted using new missiles 5В27D-М2 with a semi-active radar homing device. This ensures detection and engagement of the fighter-class air target at a distance of not less than 20 km. This greatly increases guidance accuracy, ensuring engagement of even highly evading target.

Due to the fact that on the initial section the missile moves along the aerobalistic trajectory, C-125M engagement area significantly increases. Engagement area with new missiles is more than 40 km, the maximum height of the engagement area is 25 km.

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