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Partner 2023: Serbia unveils M120M mobile mortar system.

| 2023

At the Partner 2023 exhibition held in Serbia, the M120M is revealed to the public. The semi-automatic mobile mortar system, developed by the Military Technical Institute under the auspices of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, is designed to serve as a close support weapon for infantry. The system aims to provide a versatile and robust solution for a variety of combat scenarios, ranging from artillery preparation to defense operations.
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Serbian M120M Mobile Mortar System at Partner 2023 (Picture source: Army Recognition )

The M120M is engineered for multiple roles on the battlefield. It is intended for the neutralization of enemy personnel, the destruction of firing points, and the defense of elevated units. The system is particularly effective in hilly terrains where traditional line-of-sight weapons may find it challenging to target hidden enemy positions. Beyond these roles, the M120M can also breach wire barriers and minefields, demolish lighter fortifications, and remove topsoil covering technical bunkers. It is equally adept at combating mechanized units and can be employed to create smoke screens or illuminate targets during nighttime operations.

The system can be mounted on a wide range of high-mobility platforms, making it a suitable choice for Special Forces. Its design prioritizes survivability and rapid deployment, allowing for quick response in fluid combat situations. The mortar system is designed to be operated by a small crew of 2 to 4 members.

In terms of basic technical characteristics, the M120M weighs 1,520 kg without ammunition and 2,000 kg when fully loaded with 40 shells. The system measures 3.631 meters in length and 1.926 meters in width when in combat position. Its height stands at 2.056 meters in combat configuration and reduces to 1.524 meters in marching position.

The built-in mortar has a caliber of 120 mm and a maximum firing range of 6,400 meters. It boasts a rate of fire of 11 shells per minute and has an azimuth angle of 160 degrees. The vertical field of action ranges from 459 to 850, and the system comes with a combat kit that includes 40 mortar shells.

The M120M is designed for quick transitions between its marching and combat positions. It takes just 33 seconds to transition from marching to combat position and 26 seconds to revert back to marching position. This rapid deployment capability enhances its suitability for quick response actions and makes it a valuable asset in modern warfare scenarios.

The M120M mobile mortar system offers good versatility. Its range of applications, from offensive to defensive roles, positions it as a reliable and effective infantry support weapon.

Partner 2023 Serbia Unveils Its M120M Mobile Mortar System 925 002

System M120M 120mm mortar (Picture source: Army Recognition )


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