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British MoD Intel: Russia Recruits African Mercenaries to Strengthen Its Armed Forces in Ukraine Conflict.

Recently, the British MoD (Ministry of Defense) Intelligence Services have reported a significant increase in Russia's efforts to recruit African mercenaries to bolster its military presence in Ukraine. According to Ukraine's Defence Intelligence (HUR), Russia's recruitment campaign is particularly focused on Central African countries, including Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, and Uganda.
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Russia intensifies recruitment of Africans, offering money and citizenship to replenish Russian forces deployed in Ukraine, Reports the UK Defense Ministry. (Picture source: Telegram Social Media)

These recruitment efforts are reportedly offering enticing incentives: a $2,000 sign-up bonus, a $2,200 monthly salary, health insurance, and the promise of a Russian passport for the recruits and their families. The campaign aims to compensate for Russia's substantial battlefield losses and support continued offensive operations across multiple fronts in Ukraine.

Russia has faced substantial losses in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. As of early June 2024, reports indicate that Russia has lost approximately 515,000 military personnel since the beginning of the full-scale invasion in February 2022. This includes both killed and wounded soldiers. Over the past few days alone, Russian forces have lost around 1,280 soldiers and significant amounts of military equipment, including tanks and artillery systems​.

The high casualty rate has resulted in severe morale issues among Russian troops. Intercepted communications reveal Russian soldiers expressing frustration over heavy casualties, lack of ammunition, and inadequate training. Some soldiers have reported severe conditions, with one describing the situation as worse than during World War II​.

To mitigate these losses, Russia has intensified its recruitment efforts both domestically and internationally.

Domestically, Russia has struggled with the unpopularity of further mobilizations. Previous mobilizations led to significant labor shortages and an exodus of skilled professionals, including doctors and IT specialists, placing additional strain on the economy. Additionally, there are reports of Russian servicemen being forced to return to the front lines to avoid standing trial for refusal to fight​.

Russia has turned to international recruitment to supplement its forces, particularly focusing on Central African countries such as Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, and Uganda. These efforts include offering attractive incentives such as a $2,000 sign-up bonus, a monthly salary of $2,200, health insurance, and the promise of Russian citizenship for the recruits and their families. This strategy is aimed at avoiding further domestic mobilizations and compensating for the significant losses on the battlefield​.

The recruitment of African mercenaries is part of a broader strategy to sustain offensive operations and replace the dwindling pool of available Russian convicts previously used for recruitment. This approach underscores the challenges Russia faces in maintaining its military campaign without causing further domestic unrest​.

The war in Ukraine continues to take a heavy toll on Russian forces, leading to significant casualties and necessitating expanded recruitment efforts both within Russia and abroad. As the conflict drags on, Russia's strategies to mitigate these losses will likely evolve, impacting both domestic and international dynamics.

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