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Exclusive: Discover Ukraine's Sky Dragon Devastating Drone-Dropped Incendiary Thermite Weapon Against Russia.

Recently, Chuck Pfarrer, a former U.S. Navy SEAL, shared a detailed graphic on his X account explaining Sky Dragon, a new Ukrainian weapon system using multi-rotor drones to deploy thermite incendiary devices against Russian forces. This approach, which involves bundling thermite grenades and dropping them over Russian-occupied tree lines, has proven highly effective. By leveraging drones for precise delivery, the Sky Dragon system enables Ukrainian forces to target fortified Russian positions in difficult-to-reach areas, especially in densely forested terrain, causing significant damage to enemy equipment and personnel.
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An aerial view captures the devastating impact of Ukraine's Sky Dragon incendiary thermite weapon as a drone drops the fiery payload onto its target. The intense white-hot thermite reaction engulfs the area in flames, melting through metal and creating thick smoke plumes, showcasing this drone-deployed weapon's destructive power in the ongoing conflict. (Picture source: Social network and X account Chuck Pfarrer)

The use of incendiary thermite weapons in Ukraine has been reported during the ongoing conflict, with instances of classic incendiary munitions being employed by both Ukrainian and Russian forces. Thermite is used primarily to destroy equipment, fortifications, or infrastructure due to its ability to generate extremely high temperatures, melt metal, and start fires. The first publicized reports of thermite being used in Ukraine emerged in 2014, during the initial stages of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, when Russian-backed separatists were accused of using incendiary munitions, including thermite-based weapons, to target Ukrainian military positions.

Recently, there have been renewed reports of thermite weapons being used in the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict, particularly in the context of intense battles in eastern Ukraine. These reports suggest that both sides may be employing incendiary munitions, including thermite-based weapons, to destroy military equipment, fortifications, and infrastructure. In late 2022 and throughout 2023, videos and eyewitness accounts surfaced showing the use of incendiary shells, which may contain thermite, in areas like Bakhmut and Mariupol, where fierce urban fighting took place.

Sky Dragon uses commercially available multi-rotor drones, such as quadcopters or octocopters, to carry bundles of thermite grenades and drop them over enemy positions. Thermite, a pyrotechnic composition of metal powder and metal oxides, burns at extremely high temperatures when ignited, making it ideal for destroying military equipment, bunkers, and fortifications. The drones deliver these thermite devices in a precise and targeted manner, allowing Ukrainian forces to strike deep within Russian-controlled zones, including fortified positions concealed under tree canopies and within dug-in trenches.

The Sky Dragon system operates through a combination of advanced drone technology and destructive incendiary devices. It uses multi-rotor drones, such as quadcopters or octocopters, which are capable of carrying heavy payloads and modified for military use. These drones fly over Russian positions, allowing for the precise delivery of their incendiary payloads.

The core of the system consists of bundled thermite grenades strapped together with metal bands. These grenades are equipped with a Nonel instantaneous fuse system, commonly used in demolition, ensuring that all grenades ignite simultaneously once they reach the target. This synchronization maximizes the thermite's destructive power.

To protect the drone from the extreme heat generated by the thermite, a heat shield is employed along with a tow line that holds the grenades at a safe distance during flight. Once released, the grenades ignite mid-air, raining down molten thermite on the target, making it nearly impossible for enemy infantry or equipment to withstand the intense heat, which can exceed 2,000°C.

Sky Dragon is proving to be highly effective against entrenched Russian positions, especially in forested areas. Traditional artillery and mortar systems struggle to penetrate tree lines where Russian forces are often dug in. However, drones can navigate these complex environments, hovering over specific positions and deploying incendiary grenades with pinpoint accuracy. When ignited, thermite creates temperatures exceeding 2,000°C (3,600°F), capable of burning through metal and concrete, making it particularly useful for destroying ammunition depots, bunkers, armored vehicles, and other critical military infrastructure.

Graphic by Chuck Pfarrer illustrating Ukraine's Sky Dragon, a drone-deployed incendiary thermite weapon used to target Russian forces. (Picture source X account Chuck Pfarrer )

Additionally, the drones are difficult to detect and intercept due to their small size and low altitude. This makes them ideal tools for engaging targets in areas where Russian air defense systems are concentrated, as drones can maneuver around obstacles and deliver their payloads without risking large aircraft or manned vehicles.

The introduction of Sky Dragon highlights Ukraine's ability to adapt to the realities of modern warfare, leveraging low-cost commercial drones in innovative ways to inflict significant damage on Russian forces. The use of incendiary devices like thermite further underscores Ukraine's intent to target key Russian positions where traditional weapons might fail or struggle to reach.

As the conflict drags on, the emergence of these new tactics could force Russian troops to adapt their defensive strategies, potentially making their positions more vulnerable to other forms of attack. Sky Dragon adds yet another dimension to the drone warfare that has come to define much of the conflict, where both sides increasingly rely on unmanned systems to deliver destructive payloads with minimal risk to personnel.

Sky Dragon represents a significant development in Ukraine's drone warfare capabilities, offering a cost-effective and highly destructive solution to the challenge of entrenched Russian forces. As the war continues, innovations like Sky Dragon will likely play a crucial role in shaping the dynamics on the battlefield, demonstrating how modern technology and creative problem-solving can shift the balance of power in asymmetrical warfare.

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