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Ukraine Uses Upgraded M270 Launchers for ATACMS Missiles to target Russia.

On June 25, 2024, the Ukrainian armed forces released a video showcasing their M270 rocket launchers modified to accommodate American ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles. This significant upgrade boosts Ukraine's offensive capabilities, enabling precision long-range strikes.
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Ukraine uses Upgraded M270 MLRS to target Russia  (Picture source: Army Recognition and Ukraine Social Media)

The enhanced capabilities of these systems were highlighted in a recent demonstration by Ukrainian volunteer Ihor Lachenkov. In the video, four M270 launchers equipped with modifications each fired two ATACMS missiles, totaling eight missiles aimed at strategic targets in occupied Crimea. This demonstration showcased the improved range and precision of the adapted M270.

A key improvement over the HIMARS systems, also used by Ukraine, is the modified M270's ability to launch two ATACMS missiles simultaneously, compared to just one in the HIMARS. This capability essentially doubles the firepower in a single salvo, crucial in scenarios where a higher volume of fire can make the difference between neutralizing or merely disrupting enemy forces.

The M270's tracked chassis provides superior mobility across varied terrains, compared to launchers mounted on more conventional configurations. This mobility is essential for maneuvering on the often unpredictable and challenging battlefields of Eastern Europe.

These rocket launch systems were supplied to Ukraine by several European countries, including Great Britain, Norway, Germany, Italy, and France. The specific version provided by France, designated as LRU (Lance-Roquettes Unitaires), is equipped from the outset to launch ATACMS, thanks to specific software adaptations and launcher platform modifications, eliminating the need for extensive training for Ukrainian operators.

In addition to these modifications, the LRUs are equipped with an Enhanced Fire Control System (EFCS) for increased precision, a modernized GPS-based navigation system for exact positioning, and an advanced communication system for better coordination with other units and central command.

The ATACMS missile itself is a considerable asset, with a striking range of 160 to 300 kilometers and a speed of Mach 3, capable of hitting targets with exceptional precision thanks to its integrated guidance system combining GPS and INS (Inertial Navigation System).

This initiative to modernize the M270s to include ATACMS not only enhances Ukraine's defensive potential but also its ability to conduct deep strategic strikes in occupied territories, thus increasing pressure on enemy forces while keeping the launchers at a secure distance.

Ukraine is intensifying its efforts to improve its long-range strike capabilities to deter Russian forces from statically positioning and clustering strategic equipment. By developing the ability to launch precise attacks on deep targets such as ammunition depots, command centers, and logistical infrastructures, Ukraine can continuously pressure Russia, disrupting its operations and logistics. This makes Russian forces more vulnerable and less capable of conducting coordinated offensives, thus limiting their impact and reach on the battlefield. This strategy aims not only to neutralize key targets but also to prevent the enemy from regrouping, crucial for stopping large-scale offensives.

Furthermore, enhancing Ukraine's strike capabilities increases its operational autonomy, reducing reliance on air support, which can be risky and costly. Advanced rocket launch systems like the adapted M270 for ATACMS missiles allow Ukraine to diversify its tactical options, offering the ability to conduct devastating strikes while remaining out of reach of counterattacks. These enhanced capabilities also have a significant psychological impact on Russian troops by undermining their morale, while boosting the Ukrainian forces and civilian population through the demonstration of effective and powerful retaliation. This illustrates a significant tactical adaptation by Ukraine, seeking to maximize the effectiveness of its resources in a prolonged conflict.

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