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KONGSBERG has been awarded a MNOK 350 order by the Swiss Army for the delivery of Protector weapon c

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KONGSBERG has been awarded a MNOK 350 order by the Swiss Army for the delivery of Pr...

Force Protection announced that Force Protection Industries wholly owned subsidiary has re

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Force Protection, Inc. (NASDAQ: FRPT) announced that Force Protection Industries, In...

Saab has received an order from the Finnish Defence Forces for an additional number of the new anti-

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Saab has received an order from the Finnish Defence Forces for an additional number ...

Nexter has just finished upgrading 108 AMX 10P tracked armored personnel carriers ahead of the initi

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Nexter has just finished upgrading 108 AMX 10P tracked armored personnel carriers ah...

The DGA French procurement agency had placed an order with Nexter the 05 December 2008, for the deli

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The DGA French procurement agency had placed an order with Nexter the 05 December 20...

Le major General Grundevik recommande maintenant que les troupes suedoises prennent de nouvelles mes

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Le major Général Grundevik recommande maintenant que les troupes su&ea...

Le Bresil souhaite acquerir armements russes en particulier des avions et vehicules blindes

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Le Brésil souhaite acquérir de l’armements russes, en particulie...

Apres une rencontre entre le Ministre de la Defense Chinoise Liang Guanglie et le General en chef de

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Après une rencontre entre le Ministre de la Défense Chinoise Liang Gua...

Les militaires nigeriens ont deploye plus de troupes et de vehicules blindes pour contenir agitation

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Les militaires nigériens ont déployé plus de troupes et de v&ea...

Durant cette annee les unites militaires des forces armees ukrainiennes ont recu 56 chars de combat

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Durant cette année, les unités militaires des forces armées ukr...

Avec les deploiements a etranger et le combat continu contre le terrorisme armee allemande

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Avec les déploiements à l'étranger et le combat continu contre ...

Brazil wishes to acquire Russian weaponry, in particular aircraft and armored vehicle, entrusted to

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Brazil wishes to acquire Russian weaponry, in particular aircraft and armored vehicl...

Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meet with visiting Commander-in-chief of Columbia's Armed Fo

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Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie meet with visiting Commander-in-chief of Col...

The Nigeria military has deployed more troops and amoured vehicles to contain the ongoing civil unre

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The Nigeria military has deployed more troops and amoured vehicles to contain the on...

During the last year the military units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces received from Kharkiv 56 Bulat

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During the last year the military units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces received from ...

With deployment abroad and the continuous fight against terrorism, the German Bundeswehr faces great

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With deployment abroad and the continuous fight against terrorism, the German Bundes...

Informations actualites armees militaires industries de defense decembre 2008 vehicules blindes equi

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