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Burke class Destroyer USS John Paul Jones Demonstrates Next Generation Warfighting Capability.

| 2014
Naval Forces News - USA
Burke class Destroyer USS John Paul Jones Demonstrates Next Generation Warfighting Capability
Sailors assigned to the Arleigh-Burke class guided-missile destroyer USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53) successfully completed two live-fire tests of the Aegis Weapons System (AWS) Feb. 8. The first target was launched from Naval Air Station Point Mugu. John Paul Jones used its onboard AN/SPY-1D (MOD) radar to engage the target, demonstrating the ability of the U.S. Navy's AWS to detect, track and fire upon a target simulating a high speed cruise missile.
Sailors assigned to the Arleigh-Burke class guided-missile destroyer USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53) successfully completed two live-fire tests of the Aegis Weapons System (AWS) Feb. 8. The first target was launched from Naval Air Station Point Mugu. John Paul Jones used its onboard AN/SPY-1D (MOD) radar to engage the target, demonstrating the ability of the U.S. Navy's AWS to detect, track and fire upon a target simulating a high speed cruise missile.
USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53)
(Picture: US Navy)
John Paul Jones, equipped with the latest-generation Aegis Baseline 9C weapon system, developed a fire control solution and launched the Standard Missile-2 (SM-2), which resulted in the successful destruction of an AQM-37C target. In a later test, the ship defended itself against the same type of target while simultaneously engaging a simulated ballistic missile threat.

John Paul Jones recently underwent combat systems modernization as part of the congressionally approved fiscal 2006 Defense Appropriations Act. John Paul Jones is the first DDG to receive the latest commercial off the shelf (COTS) open architecture computing system, transmitter upgrades and a multi-mission signal processor. These upgrades provide the backbone for the new Baseline 9C system, which will soon be implemented throughout the surface fleet.

During the training evolution all systems performed as expected. Program officials will conduct an extensive assessment and evaluation based upon data collected from the tests.

"Serving as the commanding officer of the USS John Paul Jones is an immense honor. Not only do I work with the most advanced surface combat system around, but I do so with some of the most dedicated and capable men and women in the business," said Cmdr. Andrew Thomson.

John Paul Jones will continue to conduct operations and training within 3rd Fleet's 50 million square-mile area of responsibility.

U.S. 3rd Fleet leads naval forces in the Eastern Pacific from the West Coast of North America to the international date line.

By Ensign Elee Wakim, USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53) Public Affairs
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