JV delivers first ONUK MRTP 34 patrol boat to Qatar Navy
Turkish shipbuilding company Yonca Onuk on December 24, 2013 delivered
to the Navy of Qatar in Tuzla (Istanbul) the first MRTP 34 Fast Patrol
Craft. The Turkish shipyard signed in early 2012 a contract to deliver
three units of ONUK MRTP34 Fast Patrol/Attack Craft and three units
of ONUK MRTP16 Fast Intervention Craft to the Qatar Armed Forces.
ONUK MRTP34 Fast Patrol Boat
MRTP 34 Patrol Boats, which Qatar is the first customer,
are slightly modified and extended version of the previously build MRTP
33. MRTP 33 has already been selected by Turkish and international customers.
Length of MRTP 34 is 40 meters, width 6.94 m. Full speed is 42 knots.
The MRTP 34 delivered to Qatar is fitted with an Aselsan 30mm stabilized
remote weapon station.