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Indonesian and French Navies conducted a joint naval exercise in the Sunda Strait.

| 2021

According to news published by the Anadolu Agency on February 8, 2021, the Indonesian and French Navies conducted a joint naval exercise in the Sunda Strait including three Indonesian warships, KRI Barakuda-633, KRI Tenggiri-865, KRI Cakalang-852 and the FS Vendemiaire Floréal-class frigate and the nuclear-powered submarine FS Emeraude of the French Navy. 
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Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001 French Navy FS Vendémiaire Floréal-class frigate. (Picture source French Navy)

Citing the Anadolu Agency, this naval exercise is a form of supervision for ships from other countries entering Indonesian waters, particularly the Indonesian Sea Channel (ALKI) I or the Malacca Strait, said the Indonesian Navy's Fleet Command.

Citing Anadolu Agency, this naval exercise is a form of supervision for ships from other countries entering Indonesian waters, particularly the Indonesian Sea Channel (ALKI) I or the Malacca Strait, said the Indonesian Navy's Fleet Command.

The KRI Barakuda-633 is Type 143 Albatros-class fast attack craft. The ship is armed with two OTO-Melara 76 mm naval guns, four MM38 Exocet anti-ship missiles situated in two dual mounts aft but forward of the rear 76 mm gun and two 533 mm (21 inches) torpedo tubes that fired Seal wire-guided torpedoes.

The KRI Tenggiri-865 is an Sibarau-class patrol boat that in service with the Australian Navy between 1967 and at least 1991 and transferred to the Indonesian Navy. The ship has a crew of 3 officers, 16 sailors and is armed with one 40 mm Bofors gun and two .50 caliber machine guns

The KRI Cakalang 852 is Pari-class is a patrol boat in service with the Indonesian Navy, with a total of eight ships in service. The ship is armed one Oto Melara Marlin WS 30mm and two 12.7 mm (0.50 in) machine guns.

The FS Vendemiaire is a Floréal-class frigate in service with the French Navy. The ship was constructed at Saint-Nazaire, France in 1992 and entered service in 1993. Vendémiaire is stationed in the French Pacific territories for patrol duties. The ship is armed with one 100 mm CADAM turret with the Najir fire control system located forwards and two 20 mm modèle F2 guns.

The FS Emeraude Rubis-class is a nuclear-powered first generation of attack submarine in service with the French Navy. The submarine is armed with SM 39 Exocet anti-ship missiles launched from four 533 mm torpedo tubes able to fire ECAN L5 Mod 3 dual-purpose torpedoes or carry up to 32 FG 29 mines carried in lieu of torpedoes.

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