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Italo-French FREMM program continues with launching of 9th multipurpose frigate Spartaco Schergat.

| 2023

The launching ceremony of the Spartaco Schergat frigate, the 9th of a series of 10 FREMM vessels (Multi-Mission European Frigate), took place on November 27 at the integrated shipyard of Riva Trigoso (Genoa). The 10 FREMM vessels have been commissioned to Fincantieri by the Italian Navy within the framework of an Italo-French international cooperation program, under the coordination of OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matiére d’Armement), the joint organization for European cooperation in armaments. The godmother of the launch was Arianna Somma, granddaughter of the Golden Medal for Military Valor Spartaco Schergat, from whom the ship takes its name.
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Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001 The Spartaco Schergat vessel, like the other units, will feature a high degree of operational flexibility and will have the ability to operate in all tactical situations (Picture source: Fincantieri)

Among others, the event was attended by the President of the Regional Council of the Liguria Region, Gianmarco Medusei, the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Edoardo Rixi, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Italian Navy, Admiral Giuseppe Berutti Bergotto, the Director of OCCAR, General Joachim Sucker, and the Director of the General Directorate of Naval Armaments NAVARM, Vice Admiral Giuseppe Abbamonte, welcomed by the Chairman of Fincantieri, General Claudio Graziano. After the launch, the fitting activities of the unit will continue at the Muggiano shipyard (La Spezia), with delivery scheduled for 2025.

The Spartaco Schergat vessel, like the other units, will feature a high degree of operational flexibility and will have the ability to operate in all tactical situations. 144 meters long, with a beam of 1 9.7 meters, the ship will have a full load displacement of about 6,700 tons. It will be able to reach a speed of over 27 knots with a maximum capacity of about 200 people on board.

The FREMM program, representing the Italian and European defense state of the art, stems from the need to renew the line of units of the Italian Navy, including the “Lupo” and “Maestrale” class frigates, built by Fincantieri in the Seventies and Eighties. The vessel Car/o Bergamini was delivered in 201 2, the Virginio Fasan in 2013, the Car/o Margottini in 2014, the Carad/niere in 2015, the Alpino in 2016, the Luigi Pizzo in 2017, the Federico Martinengo in 2018 and the Antonio Marceglia n 201 9.

Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001Chief Petty Frogman Spartaco Schergat was born in Koper on July 12, 1920. He volunteered in the Royal Italian Navy starting in March 1940, and became part of the “Frogmen” category (Picture source: Fincantieri)

Chief Petty Frogman Spartaco Schergat — Golden Medal for Military Value

Chief Petty Frogman Spartaco Schergat was born in Koper on July 12, 1920. Voluntary in the Royal Italian Navy starting in March 1940, and part of the “Frogmen” category, after having attended the course held at the C.R.E.M. School of San Bartolomeo (La Spezia) where he got the diver license, he entered the 1st Squadron M.A.S. (called 10th M.A.S. Fleet in June 1941) as operator of special assault vehicles. He took part in Gibraltar forcing missions in May and September 1941 and in the quest of Alexandria at the dawn of December 19 of the same year when, as 2nd operator of the “maiale” underwater assault vehicle led by Captain Antonio Marceglia (to whom the FREMM n. 8 is entitled), Spartaco Schergat placed the mine under the British battleship Queen Elizabeth, which sank in the port, fendering her unable to take part in the conflict for long time. He was captured and taken in the n. 32 1 English prison camp in Palestine, while on October 1 944 he returned home participating in the War of Liberation in the Assault Vehicles Group. He retired in November 1945, becoming a member of the Role of Honour with the degree of Chief Petty Officer.

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