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IDF reveals new footage of Navy's successful interceptions in ongoing border defense.

According to information published by Srugim on September 5, 2024, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has revealed new details about the Navy's operational role in intercepting aerial threats along the country's borders.
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Israeli Navy's Sa'ar 6-class corvette. (Picture source: Israeli government)

In recent statements, the IDF highlighted the growing importance of the Navy in defending against air threats during the ongoing conflict, underscoring its crucial contributions to Israel's border security.

Since the outbreak of the war, Israel's Navy has played a pivotal role in safeguarding the country's maritime borders. New footage, now released by the IDF, showcases the Navy's interception of aircraft and missiles, highlighting its complex operational activities across all fronts. The Navy has not only participated directly in various combat operations but has also been responsible for intercepting numerous airborne threats over Israeli waters.

Among the successful interceptions, the IDF noted a significant milestone: the Navy's Saar 6 corvettes achieved their first operational interception in the Red Sea theater. These advanced vessels, equipped with cutting-edge radar and detection systems, form a mobile and formidable force in Israel’s interception capabilities, particularly in defending critical infrastructure, such as gas platforms and power stations.

Israeli Navy since 7 October

Since October 7, 2023, the Israeli Navy has played a critical role in Israel's response to the multi-front conflict initiated by Hamas and other regional actors. On that day, Hamas launched a coordinated assault on Israel, which included an attempted seaborne infiltration. Israeli naval forces were instrumental in thwarting these attacks, particularly in the Zikim area, where they prevented several militants from landing, although some managed to come ashore before being neutralized by security forces.

In the days following, the Israeli Navy has been engaged in a variety of operations. It supported ground forces along Gaza's coastline, utilizing patrol boats like the Sa’ar 4.5 missile ships and Devora-class patrol boats to strike Hamas targets and provide artillery support.

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