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German army to train Saudi officers.

| 2019

Saudi soldiers will begin their officer training this July in Germany, Josué Michels reports on The Trumpet. Despite Saudi Arabia’s involvement in the Yemen War, Germany continues to strengthen its military alliance with Saudi Arabia.

German army to trains Saudi soldiers
Saudi army (Picture source: Saudi MoD/Asharq Al-Awsat)

Over the next few years, Germany will train 14 Saudi officers. Starting this July 2019, five of them will start training with the German armed forces; two more will train with the German Air Force. Seven additional Saudi soldiers are currently taking language courses in Germany and will begin their officer training in 2020. After their training with the army, they will study for three to four years at Bundeswehr University.

Not only are German armaments exports continuing to flow into Saudi Arabia, but German manufacturers have also been increasingly involved in building up the kingdom’s own industry, the Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI). German companies have increased their support to Saudi Arabia’s industrial development, particularly in the field of digitalization.


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