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General Dynamics awarded contract to supply Iraq with 120mm munition.

| 2019

General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems, St. Petersburg, Florida, was awarded a $92,400,000 modification to Foreign Military Sales (Iraq) contract for 120mm munition high explosive with tracer tank ammunition cartridges. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Oct. 16, 2022. U.S. Army Contracting Command, New Jersey, is the contracting activity.

General Dynamics awarded contract to supply Iraq with 120mm munition
120mm IM HE-T High Explosive Cartridge (Picture source: General Dynamics)

The 120mm IM HE-T High Explosive Cartridge provides the armor forces with a devastatingly powerful HE warhead that greatly improves infantry support capability. The IM HE-T will complement the tank’s current main gun ammunition with an Insensitive full-bore HE warhead capable of defeating a target set that includes bunkers, fortifications, light armor and personnel. The two-mode hand-settable fuze allows the tank commander to select a point detonating (PD) function for maximum fragmentation/blast, or a delay function for detonation after target penetration.


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