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Roketsan LUMTAS-GM antitank missile breaks record with 16km distant hit.

| 2023

On November 22, 2023, Roketsan, a Turkish defense company, reached a significant milestone with its Extended Long Range Anti-Tank Missile System (LUMTAS-GM). The precision-guided anti-tank missile (ATGM) showcased its capabilities in a long-range test by accurately hitting a target at a distance of 16 km. This achievement positions Roketsan as the provider of one of the world's longest-range ATGMs.
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In comparison to existing anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs), the Turkish LUMTAS-GM ATGM now surpasses the previously leading Russian, American, Chinese, and French ATGMs. (Picture source: Roketsan)

In comparison to existing anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs), the Turkish LUMTAS-GM ATGM now has the longest range for a ground-launched ATGM, surpassing the operational capabilities of previously leading Russian, American, Chinese, and French ATGMs.

For example, the Russian Vikhr-1 and the most advanced version of the Kornet can reach targets up to 10 km away. The American FGM-148 Javelin has a maximum range of 4.75 km, while other counterparts such as the American BGM-71 TOW 2B RF, Chinese HJ-12, French-German Milan-ER, and Russian 9M113 Konkurs have ranges ranging from 3 to 4.5 km. Notably, the impressive 16 km range of the LUMTAS-GM from a ground launcher could potentially extend beyond 20 km when launched from a helicopter, as per available information. The Israeli Spike NLOS, for its part, remains ahead for now, with a range of 25 km.

The LUMTAS-GM is the inaugural missile in the UMTAS-GM family, unveiled at the IDEF 2023 exhibition, representing a leap forward in Roketsan's precision-guided missile capabilities. The UMTAS-GM Long-Range Anti-Tank System – Future Combat System is designed for versatility, capable of integration into various platforms, including airborne, naval, and land systems. The UMTAS-GM development comprises two phases: Block-1 and Block-2. The Block-1 variant features a dual-seeker configuration with imaging-infrared (IIR) and semi-active laser (SAL) seekers, complemented by a bidirectional radio frequency (RF) datalink. The upcoming Block-2 variant will include a novel dual-mode seeker housing an IIR and a TV seeker.

The seeker configuration, combined with a tandem armor-piercing warhead, enhances the missile's ability to identify and engage targets. The UMTAS-GM's adaptability to different platforms, along with its precision guidance and destructive capabilities, positions it as an effective anti-tank weapon system suitable for both stationary and moving targets in diverse operational scenarios.

In contrast to UMTAS, Roketsan's LUMTAS-GM anti-tank guided missile is launched from a canister, with four wings opening backward upon launch, contributing to the missile's gliding performance and extended range. In terms of specifications, the LUMTAS-GM weighs 41.3 kg (66.3 kg with the canister) and has a length of 1.72 m.

The development and testing of the LUMTAS-GM mark a significant achievement for Roketsan and the Turkish defense industry, affirming Turkey's emergence as a major player in defense. The country's defense capabilities extend beyond missile systems, encompassing a range of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), attack helicopters, and ground vehicles like the Otokar Cobra II, gaining popularity on a global scale.


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