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US Department of Defense is planning a massive Cyber Mission Force by 2018 40510153.

| 2015
Defence & Security News - United States
US Department of Defense is planning a massive Cyber Mission Force by 2018
The US Department of Defense is planning to establish a massive Cyber Mission Force by 2018 to prevent cyber crimes against the country. The Cyber Mission Force would comprise of some 68 Cyber Protection Teams.
The US Department of Defense is planning to establish a massive Cyber Mission Force by 2018 to prevent cyber crimes against the country. The Cyber Mission Force would comprise of some 68 Cyber Protection Teams.

The Department officials said in hearing at the US House Armed Services Committee that Cyber Mission Force would comprise of some 68 Cyber Protection Teams that would help to defend the Defense Department’s networks from cyberattacks, Sputnik reported.

"In support of these [cybersecurity] goals, we are building the Cyber Mission Force, training it to conduct full spectrum cyberspace operations, and equipping it with the tools and infrastructure it needs to succeed," Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work and the Defense Department’s Chief Information Officer Terry Halvorsen said in joint remarks on Wednesday.

The two officials explained that 13 National Mission Teams would focus on defending cyberattacks "of significant consequence," while 27 Combat Mission Teams that would support "operational plans and contingency operations."

An additional 25 Support Teams will help the other teams with "analytic and planning support."
At the committee meeting, both officials remarked that Washington’s cyber deterrence policy has not been "as effective as it should be”.

The US Cyber Command Commander Admiral Michael Rogers has acknowledged China and Russia as Washington’s top competitors in the cyber domain.

"We have to acknowledge we have at least one peer [cyber] competitor in the form of the Russians," Rogers said at the meeting, adding that the Cyber Command constantly tries to monitor Russian activities.
Rogers explained there is a set of countries the Cyber Command pays great attention to, who are increasing their level of investment, capacity and capability.


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