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As U.S. Army turns 244 years old, lessons of D-Day still relevant today.

| 2019

As Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley spoke to veterans at the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, he asked what lessons they had learned from hitting the beach in that deadly campaign. "Never let it happen again," a 96-year-old veteran who earned two Silver Stars told the general. Sean Kimmons, Army News Service, reports.

As U.S. Army turns 244 years old lessons of D Day still relevant today 1
Lawmakers join Secretary of the Army Mark T. Esper (3rd from left), Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley and Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel A. Dailey (right) in cutting a cake in honor of the Army's 244th birthday during a ceremony at the U.S. Capitol June 12, 2019. (Picture source: Sean Kimmons)

Milley called it the "single most violent conflict in human history" when over 150,000 allied troops stormed the heavily fortified coast of France's Normandy region on June 6, 1944. By the time the campaign ended in early August, nearly 37,000 ground troops had been killed.

On Wednesday, June 12, while at a cake-cutting ceremony at the U.S. Capitol to officially kick off events for the Army's 244th birthday, Milley said that sacrifice should not be forgotten. "I think that's the lesson of great power competition, great power war," he said. "Let us never forget that 75 years ago, the world amassed in violence. And the way to keep that peace is to maintain an incredibly strong military for the United States."

The Congress forms the Army

On June 14, 1775, the Second Continental Congress formed the Continental Army under the command of George Washington to unify the 13 colonies in their fight against British forces. When the Revolutionary War ended, the Congress of the Confederation created the U.S. Army to replace the disbanded Continental Army on June 3, 1784. "We were born as the result of the United States Congress," Milley said. "The United States Army could not be the most powerful army in the world … without all the great support that we get from the Senate and the House."

Throughout the years, soldiers have played an integral part in the nation's wars as well as defending the homeland and conducting humanitarian assistance across the country and around the world. Today, the Army's total force numbers about 1 million and some 180,000 Soldiers are deployed in over 140 countries at any given time.

"Your United States Army has to be ready today for that future fight," said Army Secretary Mark T. Esper during the ceremony. Esper also mentioned the Army should learn from the Greatest Generation, which fought and defeated Nazi Germany, imperial Japan and fascist Italy.

The Army is now in the middle of a renaissance, he said, as it changes the way it mans, trains and equips the force in order to stay ahead of near-peer threats. "We will be ready and we are ready," he said. "That's our commitment to you, the American people. That's our commitment to Congress and that is our commitment to the country."

As U.S. Army turns 244 years old lessons of D Day still relevant today 2
The Sergeant Major of the Army (left) wears the new "World War 2-style" service uniform. In the middle of the group stands a soldier in World War 2 paratrooper uniform to remind the 75th anniversary of D-Day (June 6, 1944). A ceremony is held at the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., June 12, 2019. (Picture source: Spc. Dana Clarke)


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