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DSEI 2019: HGH presents latest innovations and announces the imminent release of the SPYNEL-U.
At the DSEI exhibition held this week in London, the optronics experts HGH are showcasing their new ‘’Mobile Deployment Kit’’ for SPYNEL-M.To mark DSEI’s 20th anniversary, the company will also make an exclusive announcement regarding the upcoming release of the new version of SPYNEL-U.
SPYNEL-M and the Mobile Deployment Kit (Picture source: HGH)
SPYNEL-M, the most compact and lightweight of the HGH SPYNEL range, isusedby special forces all over the world. Itssmall dimensions, weight, and rapiddeployment are adapted to unforeseen or remotemissions.To continuouslyimprove SPYNEL M’s performance on temporary surveillance applications, HGH launched the new ‘’Mobile Deployment Kit’’,including : a battery providing long-term autonomy, a wireless connection and a rugged tablet.
SPYNEL-U isalso at the heart of the DSEI discussions. The 360° thermal radar is the onlypanoramicsensorprovidingwithtwo real-time panoramicviews : a thermal, and a visible one. HGH reinvented SPYNEL-U for a bettersecurity by design. The company announced they will reveal the new identity of SPYNEL-U across the globe little by little, from DSEI, to DSE Vietnam, AUSA, and Milipol Paris.