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KrAZ truck defies snow banks and rugged terrains.
On 23 January, abundant snowfall could not stop a visit of a big group of second and fourth year cadets of Kharkov National Academy of National Guard of Ukraine. While being at Kremenchug military unit 43059 for training purposes they asked to visit the plant to see assembly of Ukrainian-made trucks in service with the Ukrainian army they are to operate and maintain.
"This KrAZ truck is the most reliable vehicle in the east of our country, where servicemen do their duty", Officer of Personnel Support Group Vitaliy Muzyka, commented h(Picture source :KrAZ)
The program was varied and, despite bad weather, all planned events took place, including visits at the museum, main assembly line and training centre of the Automobile Plant, civilian and military vehicles on display, experimental workshop. And, last but not the least, the proving ground and demonstration run.
Skilled test driver who could drive there with closed eyes demonstrated to future army men off road performance capabilities of the vehicle in harsh environment, particularly when driving up 60% gradient in harsh conditions. Their leader, officer of Personnel Support Group Vitaliy Muzyka, commented: "This KrAZ truck is the most reliable vehicle in the east of our country, where servicemen do their duty. It delivers fuel, food, water and ammunitions to defended posts, checkpoints, first and second lines of defence. Its off-road ability in severe weather conditions is really impressive. I saw it myself during my numerous trips to Donbass. Only these vehicles can deliver you to destination point in extreme weather conditions.“
KrAZ is sure that such a collaboration between higher education institutions and manufacturer will make it possible to train more skilled personnel, avoid problems army men face due to insufficient training in operation of KrAZ truck.