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Partner 2019: New KIKLOP 20mm remotely controlled weapon station.

| 2019

At Partner 2019, the International Fair of Armament and Defense Equipment Exhibition, the State Defense Company Yugoimport unveils its new 20mm Remotely Controlled Weapon Station (RCWS) dubbed KIKLOP. Since a few years, Yugoimport has designed and developed a full range operated weapon stations to respond to the new requests of modern military and security forces.

New KIKLOP 20mm remotely controlled weapon station Partner 2019 Serbia 925 001
New KIKLOP 20mm remotely controlled weapon station unveiled at Partner 2019, International Fair of Armament and Defense Equipment Exhibition in Belgrade, Serbia. June 26, 2019. (Picture source Army Recognition)

The RCWS (Remotely Controlled Weapon Station) 20/1 KIKLOP is armed with a 20 x 110 mm gun effective at ranges up to 2,000 m and equipped with up-to-date optoelectronic sensors. It is controlled by an advanced power unit i.e. a motor with zero-backlash gear reducers providing easy control and better accuracy at long ranges.

This new RCWS is intended to be used against ground targets (light armored vehicles, transporters, command posts, logistics support bases, enemy troops), seaborne targets (mobile and stationary vessels). airborne targets (helicopters, transport aircraft, slow low flying aircraft, UAV's, cruise missiles, paratroopers ... ).

The RCWS 20/1 KIKLOP can be mounted on vehicles (four-wheel plus drive), vessels (patrol boats or ships), or any stationary structures (airports, military bases ... ) for perimeter security purposes.

The RCWS 20/1 KIKLOP is electrically powered with a traverse of 360° and elevation from -5° to +50°. The turret can fire in single and automatic mode with a maximum firing range of 5,500 m. The 20mm cannon is fed by drum magazine with 60 rounds ready to be fire. The turret has a weight of 395 kg without ammunition.

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