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Russian Bumerang APC and IFV prototypes to start testing.

| 2019

The press office of the Moscow-based Military Industrial Company said in a statement to TASS that the Bumerang 8x8 armored vehicle is soon to enter state trials: "According to the plan, we will enter the state trials in the summer of 2020." As part of the preparations, a batch of prototypes is being created.

Russian Bumerang APC and IFV prototypes to start testing
Bumerang in VPK-7829 K-17 infantry fighting vehicle variant (Picture source: Army Recognition)

Preliminary trials of several variants of the Bumerang - the BTR-7829 K-16 armored personnel carrier and VPK-7829 K-17 infantry fighting vehicle - were completed earlier in the 2019, TASS reported on December 3, citing the CEO of the Military Industrial Company, Alexander Krasovitsky. He noted that the prototype vehicles met the required technical specifications. The completion of the preliminary trials paves the way for the entrance into state trials next summer. Assuming satisfactory results, the vehicles should thereafter be ready for serial production to begin joining the Russian Army.

The Bumerang is a new development of an 8x8 armored personnel carrier launched by the Russian defense industry to replace the old BTR family used by the Russian armed forces. During the International exhibition of arms and military equipment RAE 2013 in Nizhny Tagil, the project of the vehicle was showed only to the Prime Minister of Russia. It was unveiled to the public at the Victory Day parade in 2015

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